HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden: “I’ve Committed that by 2020, We Will Have Conserved 30% of All the Lands and Waters” (VIDEO)

Everything is fine.

Joe Biden on Monday traveled to Santa Clara County, California to deliver remarks on non-existent climate change and so-called ‘good paying clean energy jobs.’

Biden repeatedly claimed climate change is “the existential threat to humanity.”

Then he mumbled something about small businesses suing banks before changing the subject.

“A couple businesses are suing banks because they wanna consider whether or not you’re environmentally— anyway, I won’t get into all that, I’ll get…” Biden said from a nature preserve in Palo Alto.

Joe Biden also time traveled on Monday.

“I’ve committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters…” Biden said along side Governor Newsom.

He’s shot.


Joe Biden in 2023:

“I’ve committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters…” pic.twitter.com/cAqXcl1bZu

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 19, 2023

Joe Biden was pulled across the stage after his speech.

Democrat Rep. Eshoo took Joe Biden’s arm and pulled him to meet with the attendees.

The post HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden: “I’ve Committed that by 2020, We Will Have Conserved 30% of All the Lands and Waters” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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