Here’s why you really DO feel more tired in the summer – and when to worry

WE OFTEN think of summer months as ‘relaxing’ – an excuse to rest, recharge and take some much needed holiday.

But they can also bring a frenzy of activity, as many of us zip about from festivals to barbecues and picnics – not to mention post-work drinks and beer-garden visits.

GettyIf you’re feeling pressure to make the most of your summer, chances are you’re feeling exhausted as a result[/caption]

As we try to make the most of enjoying the brief spell of good weather, it’s no wonder many of us begin to feel a little under the weather.

Kate Bithell, mental health nurse at private rehab clinic Delamere explained why we get burnout during what is supposed to be a ‘relaxing season’, what to avoid to conserve your energy, and when there might be something more going on.

“Though summer is often hailed as a season for rest and relaxation, a lot of the time we can find ourselves feeling the total opposite and there’s a number of reasons as to why,” Kate said.

Though your focus might be on the many fun activities you have planned for the summer season, a more permanent fixture in you life might be to blame for your seasonal fatigue.

Yep, you guessed it – it’s your work.

Kate explained: “You may have noticed that now summer is in full swing, colleagues tend to be out of the office a little bit more than usual, going to festivals, seeing friends and taking much-needed vacations, meaning that you have to fill in during their absence, adding to your already hectic to-do list. This can lead to burnout.

The mental health nurse went on: “It’s not just work that can contribute to burnout during summer, our personal lives can get in the way too.

“With the weather being warmer during the summer months, many of us like to spend time making the most of it before autumn sets in, whether that’s hosting BBQs, enjoying a drink in a beer garden or just spending time with friends or loved ones.

“While making lots of plans might seem like a great idea, when your diary becomes full and you have no time to rest, recharge and relax, you may find yourself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and unable to keep up.”

You might also be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to do as much as possible, Kate added.

“This ‘need’ to make the most of summer, can also create unnecessary pressure to do so, instead of simply just being in the moment – this may make you feel exhausted or disappointed when it doesn’t live up to our expectations,” she explained.

The team at Delamere detailed some key signs that could indicate you or a loved one are experiencing summer burnout.

1. You’re feeling disengaged or withdrawn

If your diary is full of exciting plans this summer but you find yourself not engaged, withdrawn or unexcited by the prospect of them, it may be a sign that you are heading for burnout, according to Delamere.

Signs of disengagement may manifest in other places too.

If you’re feeling disinterested in your work or taking longer to complete tasks than you normally would, this can be another key sign.

2. Feeling exhausted

Stress, increased workload, or a busy schedule during summer, can all add up to you feeling just exhausted – this can be apparent both physically and emotionally.

You may begin to feel a lack of physical energy, but you might also develop feelings of being emotionally drained and depleted.

A common sign of exhaustion is the lack of motivation to get out of bed in the morning, or day-to-day life becoming more challenging than normal, according to the team at Delamere.

This is something to watch for, as over-exhaustion and extreme tiredness can result in sickness and decreased immunity to common colds or flu. 

3. You’re more irritable or sensitive than normal

Another sign you might be struggling with burnout is feeling more irritable or sensitive than normal, this could manifest itself as aggression towards your family, friends and colleagues.

While everybody experiences some negative emotions from time to time, it’s vital to recognise when these feelings are becoming unusual.

What can you to avoid summer burnout?

There are a few things you can do to keep your energy stores up this summer.

While it’s important to spend time with friends and family and enjoy the activities you have planned, taking some time to pause and relax is just as crucial.

This doesn’t just mean going on holiday, the team at Delamere stressed.

If you’re the kind of person that likes to keep busy, then make sure to plan less strenuous activities around your busy days, such as laying in the sun with friends and family or going for walks.

Activities like this that make you feel good are great for the body and mind and can help you to get enough rest during the season, the rehab clinic specialists said.

Taking some time to wind down can also mean not being afraid to say no.

While a lot of us want to make the most of summer, with its long evenings and warm temperatures, you want to make sure that you aren’t over-exerting yourself with plans, especially if your schedule at work is a bit more hectic.

Learning to say no and knowing what your boundaries are may be the key to avoiding burnout this summer, Delamere pointed out.

If you’ve got too much planned one week, or an activity that feels like it’s going to be too draining, then consider taking a step back and saying no to things you don’t want to do.

This might actually mean you can be present and engaged in the moments that are important to you.

And finally, switching off from work totally while you’re on holiday is a must if you’re feeling tired.

You want to make sure you’re using this much needed time off for relaxing and recharging.

While it can feel impossible at times, one of the easiest ways to do this is to either mute any work-related notifications on your phone or delete any apps like email, Slack or Teams altogether, so that you aren’t tempted to check what is going on.

The team at Delamere also suggested setting boundaries with staff and managers to not contact you unless it is an emergency, so you have the best possible chance of getting some much-needed rest. 

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