Hans Von Spakovsky: Chuck Schumer Is Violating Senate Rules by Not Holding an Impeachment Trial of DHS Secretary Mayorkas – He Knows It Will Expose the Crimes (VIDEO)


Hans Von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, joined Grant Stinchfield on Stinchfield Tonight on RAV Tuesday night to discuss Joe Biden’s open borders and the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

So far Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has refused to hold the Senate trial for DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

During their conversation, Hans Von Spakovsky detailed the numerous violations of the law by the Biden regime and DHS Secretary Mayorkas regarding the millions of illegal aliens they have allowed in the country.

Hans Von Spakovsky: Last year, me and several other senior analysts at Heritage, we wrote an almost 50-page paper listing all of the violations of federal immigration law that Mayorkas has committed. It’s not just violating the law himself, but it’s directing staff, the Border Patrol, to violate federal law. The idea this is just a policy dispute is just wrong. This is a deliberate policy. Just one item, mass paroling illegal aliens coming across the border, the ones they catch, they immediately release, they parole them, that violates federal immigration law.

Grant Stinchfield: They’re giving them, I know, some of them, two-year work permits. I don’t think they have the authority to issue those two-year work permits?

Hans Von Spakovsky: No, they do not. That’s another straight-out violation federal immigration law. Federal immigration statutes very carefully lay out who can be issued work permits. Illegal aliens who have come into this country cannot be issued work permit. It just can’t be done. So again, a straight out violation of federal law by Mayorkas.

Hans Von Spakovsky also reminded Grant that holding the US Senate impeachment trial is not an option it is the law.

Grant Stinchfield: I think one of the things this puts the spotlight on is the importance for Republicans to control the Senate and, of course, the House. Because even I was not aware. I’ve been doing this for a while, and I was not aware that they can just dismiss this with 51 votes, that it doesn’t even have to go to trial, where, of course, you’d need much more than that to convict this guy. But 51 votes, I don’t think this sees the light of day as far as a trial goes. I think this will get dismissed by Schumer very quickly.

Hans Von Spakovsky:  Yeah, but in order to do that, he will have to violate the Senate’s rules. The Senate has a special rule that it put in place, a parliamentary rule, to handle impeachments. The rule was implemented back in the 1980s. That rule calls for a trial. There is no language in there whatsoever that simply allows a motion to dismiss and a vote on a motion to dismiss. Plus, look, the Constitution says the House votes on whether to impeach a federal official, and the Senate then is responsible for holding a trial and determining whether they are guilty or should be acquitted. There’s nothing in there about not holding a trial and simply throwing it out.

On Chuck Schumer disregarding senate rules to dismiss the Mayorkas impeachment

Hans Von Spakovsky:  Oh, I think he’ll violate his own parliamentary rules to bring up a motion to dismiss, and they’ll throw it out. Because, as I think you said earlier, if they actually hold a trial and they start bringing in all of the evidence of not only all the violations of federal law that have occurred, but the results of those violations, the things that have happened all over the country, like the murder of Laken Reilly, because this alien, he was stopped at the border, processed and released. So that is directly the fault of Mayorkas’ policies.

The laws and rules only apply to conservatives and Trump supporters.  The Democrats really don’t care if they break the rules.  Just like they don’t care if they destroy the country with their open borders.

God help us.

Via Stinchfield Tonight:

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) blasted Senator Schumer on Tuesday for refusing his duty to hold an impeachment trial for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

This chart alone could decide the election.

That’s why Senator Schumer does not want to hold a trial. pic.twitter.com/iA0TVJROIH

— Ron Johnson (@RonJohnsonWI) April 10, 2024

The post Hans Von Spakovsky: Chuck Schumer Is Violating Senate Rules by Not Holding an Impeachment Trial of DHS Secretary Mayorkas – He Knows It Will Expose the Crimes (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

