The nation seemed to stop when Greg Page suddenly collapsed onstage at a Wiggles reunion concert in 2020.
But the fact that he “blacked out” in front of a crowd probably saved his life that day.
Watch the video above.
“I was incredibly fortunate that I collapsed in public and that there were people around to see me collapse,” the original Yellow Wiggle tells 9honey Celebrity.
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“There were people around who were prepared to do something. They put their hands up, they said, ‘Yep, I’m going to try and save this guy’s life’. And they did.
“If I was a bystander, I would have frozen. The first thing I would have thought is, ‘I shouldn’t do anything. I’m not trained, I’m not qualified.'”
Page gets emotional talking about the four bystanders who stepped in to perform CPR until paramedics arrived and it’s even harder when he thinks of what his family felt that day.
“The worst part is knowing what my family went through. Getting the call, having to go to hospital and see me in that state,” he says.
They were there when he woke up and learned he’d suffered a heart attack so massive that it had sent him into sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), when the heart suddenly stops beating.
An estimated 25,000 Australians experience SCA every year, but just five per cent survive.
Tens of people “drop dead” from it every day in Australia, but Page never knew how common or deadly SCA is until he almost became another statistic.
“We talk about road toll, we talk about cancer, we talk about workplace deaths, and they’re so important … but sudden cardiac arrest really isn’t spoken about,” he says.
“We said, ‘If it’s happening so often, why haven’t we seen somebody in public collapse yet?’ Then I said, ‘We have. It was me’.
“I survived and I’m so grateful [and] I couldn’t just sit on my backside at home, knowing the statistics, and not use my public profile and platform to try and raise awareness.”
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Not long after he established Heart of the Nation, a charity dedicated to increasing the survival rate from SCA across the country.
Page has been campaigning for awareness ever since, cashing in on his public profile as the original Yellow Wiggle to make everyday Aussies listen.
The latest campaign – ‘Turn Me On, I’ll Tell You What To Do’ – aims to increase the confidence and willingness of everyday Aussies to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) when someone experiences SCA.
AEDs are portable medical devices that can analyse the heart’s rhythm and deliver an electrical shock (defibrillation) to help restart the heart and aid in resuscitation.
Using one within three minutes of a person collapsing from SCA can quadruple the chance of survival, but most everyday Aussies don’t feel confident even trying.
What too many people don’t know is that operating an AED requires zero training or expertise; once turned on, the device talks and instructs the user on exactly what to do.
Located in most offices and public buildings, AEDs can mean the difference between life and death, but bystanders only use them in about eight per cent of cases before paramedics arrive.
Page wants to change that number – and the number of SCA deaths in the country – by making everyday Aussies feel confident using an AED in a crisis.
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“Survival chances increase when there are people who are prepared and able to ‘Call, Push, Shock’. That’s called Triple Zero, push doing CPR, and shock using an AED,” he says.
“There’s a lot of education to be done, a lot of awareness to be raised and a lot of solutions to be put into the hands of the community because they really are the ones who save lives, together with the ambulance service.”
As for the campaign slogan ‘Turn Me On, I’ll Tell You What To Do’, Page credits his Wiggle days for helping him come up with the cheeky one-liner.
Campaigning for the same cause year after year can get repetitive (as can writing children’s music) so Page leans on his songwriting skills to keep the public interested.
“People used to say, ‘is it hard coming up with different songs year after year?’ And yeah, it was but I guess that’s put me in good stead now,” he says.
“It’s hard because it feels like banging your head against a brick wall sometimes, but I think we’re making progress.”
There’s still work to be done; 80 per cent of cardiac arrests happen at home and the survival rates are even lower, which is another challenge to be tackled.
Had Page collapsed alone at home in 2020, the chances of a stranger stepping in to provide CPR and help save his life would have been slim to none.
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Even now, years later, he can’t understate how lucky he was to survive his SCA and is proud to be making a difference.
“I did have a bit of a scare recently, but luckily I went into hospital and … there’s nothing to worry about,” he says.
“It just feels like everything was supposed to happen the way that it did.”
To find out more about Heart of the Nation and where your nearest AED could be, click here.