GOOGLE has come up with a clever way of saving people from the annoying disasters many of us face with our Gmail accounts.
For years people have complained over a pesky tactic used that can cause very expensive issues for those who get caught out but a new shake-up has promised to solve almost all of these problems.
GettyGoogle has announced a new update to their Gmail services to help people feel more protected and prevent annoying common issues occurring everyday[/caption]
GettyThe new system used by Google is called Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer and should help keep people safe with their sensitive details[/caption]
Google have announced they are in the process of rolling out a brand new service that filters through your emails with a much finer comb to ensure certain messages don’t get through to our inboxes.
The US firm has even boasted that the change is “the largest defence upgrades in recent years.”
The new upgrade has been labelled “Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer (RETVec)” with it’s main aim being to stop phishing attacks, inappropriate comments, and scams.
Gmail services should now be better equipped to fight against scammers and spammers and stop them from tricking innocent people into handing over sensitive details and their hard earned cash.
Google found that many of these scam artists have been successful in their efforts to completely bypass the methods in place designed especially to stop the illicit messages.
Cyber criminals are constantly becoming smarter and so are their methods of getting round security systems – even though Google is made up of some of the most clever tech whizzes.
Google uses an AI machine to detect unwanted messages that can be dangerous or just flood inboxes with unnecessary mail.
But the AI has struggled recently to overcome the homoglyphs, invisible characters, and keyword stuffing that have all become more common in breaking through Google’s system.
But a bunch of impressive engineers in the California companies headquarters have finally figured out how to put a stop on almost all of the unwanted material.
A confident Google now reckons the improved system is a staggering 38 per cent better than ever before and reduces frustrating false positive messages by 19.4 per cent.
Google explained: “To help make text classifiers more robust and efficient, we’ve developed a novel, multilingual text vectorizer called RETVec.
“Over the past year, we battle-tested RETVec extensively inside Google to evaluate its usefulness and found it to be highly effective for security and anti-abuse applications.”
This should now mean millions across the world with a Gmail account should start to see far less junk emails clogging up their inboxes and reduce the number of messages directly asking you hand over sensitive data.
In even better news, the update will happen internally at Google meaning Gmail users don’t need to left a finger to see the benefits and take advantage of the great improvement.
This announcement comes just days after Goggle sent out urgent messages to their users to update Google Chrome immediately to avoid a dangerous cyber attack.
The update fixes a bug in Chrome that is being “actively exploited” by cyber-criminals, according to the tech company.
It’s a “zero day” vulnerability, which means crooks were taking advantage of the security hole before a fix was available.
Researchers have also uncovered a horrible type of malware recently that targets certain Apple products.
The Atomic Stealer malware has created a fake browser – being tracked as ClearFake – that can target Apple users and seriously damage their tech by infecting their device and stealing data.