Germany Is Falling: Mobs of Military-Age Muslim Migrants Riot and Attack Police; “They Shot at Anything That Moves”

Numerous fires were set in Berlin’s migrant ghetto Neukölln


Riots and anarchy spread across Germany again on New Year’s Eve, making the major cities no-go areas for women, Jews, and gays. Indigenous Germans largely avoid downtown areas on New Year’s Eve now. 54 police officers were injured, and 390 people, mainly military-age migrants, were arrested in Berlin alone.

In several German cities, water cannons had to be deployed.

The Berlin police are preparing for New Year’s Eve which, due to usual suspects, will turn into a war.

— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) December 31, 2023


In #Berlin fahren die #Wasserwerfer durch die Stadt. #b3112 #silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) December 31, 2023

Albanians filmed a young child with a ski mask firing a pistol in the air.

Ein Kind, das mit Sturmhaube maskiert ist, feuert mit einer Pistole in Berlin. Hier der Live-Ticker mit allen Infos: #Silvester #B3112 #NIUS

— Julian Reichelt (@jreichelt) January 1, 2024

Berlin sieht in weiten Teilen nicht mehr aus wie die deutsche Hauptstadt. #Silvester #B3112 #NIUS

— Julian Reichelt (@jreichelt) December 31, 2023

Ever since approximately 2000 Muslim men attacked and raped 1200 women on New Year’s Eve in Cologne 2016, New Year’s Eve has gone from being a fun, happy, romantic, and slightly tipsy night out in German cities to a full-on civil war between migrant mobs with testosterone overflow and hapless, outnumbered and often outgunned German police, firefighters and first responders.

Randalierer zünden in #Berlin #Neukölln Motorroller an und nutzen diese als Barrikade auf der Straße. #b3112 #silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) January 1, 2024

Several suspects were arrested for making Molotov cocktails to use against the police.

The central Alexanderplatz in Berlin was virtually entirely occupied by young migrant men. No German women in sight.

Traditioneller deutscher Silvestertanz am Berliner Alexanderplatz. #Deutschland2024 #NIUS #Silvester #B3112

— Julian Reichelt (@jreichelt) December 31, 2023

Police were attacked with explosives at the High-Deck housing project in migrant ghetto Neukölln. At least one officer was injured.

An der High-Deck-Siedlung in #Neukoelln #Berlin steht die Polizei unter starkem Beschuss. Ein Verletzter wird abtransportiert. #b3112 #silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) January 1, 2024

Fireworks were shot at a city bus, shattering windows.

Pure Aggression entlädt hier eine Gruppe auf einen Linienbus der BVG. Es fallen Schüsse. Scheiben zerbersten. #b3112 #berlin #silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) January 1, 2024

Burning barricades were erected to prevent police from getting through.

BREAKING NIUS: In Berlin brennen Barrikaden, um der Polizei den Weg abzuschneiden. #Silvester #B3112 #NIUS

— Julian Reichelt (@jreichelt) January 1, 2024

Randalierer zünden in #Berlin #Neukölln Motorroller an und nutzen diese als Barrikade auf der Straße. #b3112 #silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) January 1, 2024

Cars and dumpsters were set alight.

In #Berlin steht ein Auto in Flammen. #b3112 #Silvester

— NIUS (@niusde_) January 1, 2024

A planned “Pro-Palestine” protest was banned due to potential violence.

However, that didn’t stop terror-supporting Muslim invaders from staging spontaneous pro-Hamas rallies.

Auf der Sonnenallee in #Neukölln gibt es trotz Demo-Verbot eine pro-Palästina Demo. Teilnehmer rufen „Freiheit für Palästina“ #b3112 @welt

— Zara Riffler (@ZaraRiffler) December 31, 2023

One elderly gentleman had the courage to tell the terror supporters what he thought of them :

Undisputed hero of 2023.

— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) December 31, 2023


Liebe Ü80-Berliner,
sollte es gleich krass donnern und knallen, bleibt ruhig und wisset: Nicht der Russe steht wieder vor der Tür!
Nein, bloß ein paar migrantische Racker wehren sich gegen strukturellen Rassismus in Deutschland! #Neukölln

— SIGGI (@SiegmundFrei) December 31, 2023

The post Germany Is Falling: Mobs of Military-Age Muslim Migrants Riot and Attack Police; “They Shot at Anything That Moves” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

