First aider reveals why you should always put glo sticks in your little one’s sick bucket

WHEN your little one is poorly, you want to do your best to make them feel better.

If they’ve got a sickness bug though, it’s likely they’ll get getting up in the middle of the night to vomit or seek comfort.

An expert has revealed a simple hack all parents with sick children should consider

Putting some glo sticks to a bucket (pictured) can help your child find it quickly

And while you might have a sick bucket at the ready, one expert has revealed there’s a simple hack all parents must consider.

Posting to the Tiny Hearts Education Instagram page, first aider Nikki Jurcutz revealed a tip that will make your life easier.

She said: “If your little one has gastro. Make sure you get some glo sticks and add them to the bucket so when they wake up overnight and need to find it quickly, they can.”

Gastroenteritis (gastro) is a very common condition that causes diarrhoea and vomiting, the NHS states.

It’s usually causes by a bacterial or viral tummy bug and is common in young children.

It usually clears itself up in a week, but unfortunately the only treatment is resting at home.

Viruses such as the rotavirus and the norovirus can both cause gastroenteritis.

If you are unlucky enough to have caught this type of diarrhoea, you may also have sudden abdominal cramps and vomiting.

What are the common signs of gastroenteritis?

According to the NHS the main symptoms of gastroenteritis are:

sudden, watery diarrhoeafeeling sickvomiting, which can be projectilea mild fever

Some people also have other symptoms, such as a loss of appetite, an upset stomach, aching limbs and headaches.

The symptoms usually appear up to a day after becoming infected. They typically last less than a week, but can sometimes last longer.

Things you can do to help ease you or your child’s symptoms

You can usually treat yourself or your child at home.

drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydrationtake paracetamol for any fever or aches and painsget plenty of resttry eating small amounts of plain foods, such as soup, rice, pasta and breaduse special rehydration drinks made from sachets bought from pharmacies if you have signs of dehydration, such as a dry mouth or dark urine

Don’t give your child antidiarrhoeal and anti-vomiting medication, unless advised to by your GP or pharmacist.

When to get medical advice for your child

You don’t usually need to see your GP if you think your child has gastroenteritis, as it should get better on its own, and taking them to a GP practice can put others at risk. 

have symptoms of dehydration, such as passing less urine than normal, being unusually irritable or unresponsive, pale or mottled skin, or cold hands and feethave blood in their poo or green vomitare vomiting constantly and are unable to keep down any fluids or feedshave had diarrhoea for more than a weekhave been vomiting for 3 days or morehave signs of a more serious illness, such as a high fever (over 38C or 100.4F), shortness of breath, rapid breathing, a stiff neck, a rash that doesn’t fade when you roll a glass over it or a bulging fontanelle (the soft spot on a baby’s head)have a serious underlying condition, such as inflammatory bowel disease or a weak immune system, and have diarrhoea and vomiting  Read More 
