FIDUCIA SUPLICANS DEBACLE: 90 Catholic Clergymen, Scholars and Authors Publish Letter Urging Bishops and Cardinals To Oppose Document and Demand Pope Francis Withdraw It

On the one hand, Globalist Pope Francis appears before the world as an ailing elder who is already planning his own funeral.

On the other hand, the Argentine pontiff is energetically going about reforming (some will say destroying) Catholic dogma and doctrine.

Read: Bishop Strickland Leads the Revolt Against Globalist Pope Francis – Conservative Catholics Won’t Incorporate His ‘Gay Couple Blessings’ in the Life of the Church

Lately, Francis has had to deal with a completely self-inflicted malady, resulting from the publication of Fiducia Suplicans, a document that has generated a historical, unprecedented rejection from prelates and lay people alike.

Francis will never admit that ‘Fiducia…’ is a failure of Biblical proportions, but his papacy appears to forever be tainted by this attempt at normalizing behavior that has been anathema for millenia.

Read more:

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Newsweek reported:

“A group of 90 Catholic clergymen, scholars and authors have published a joint letter to ‘all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church’, urging them to oppose a Vatican document approved by Pope Francis that allows priests to bless same-sex unions for the first time.”

Read: Pope Francis’ ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ a Failure of Biblical Proportions – Writer Is Controversial Bishop Accused of Covering up Sexual Abuse Allegations in His Diocese

In the open letter, the Catholic conservatives say that the Vatican doctrine released on December 18 – and signed by the Pope – would lead to the blessing of ‘objectively sinful’ relationships.

“They add that the cardinals and bishops should ‘forbid immediately the application of this document in your diocese’ and ‘ask directly the Pope to urgently withdraw this unfortunate document, which is in contradiction with both Scripture and the universal and uninterrupted Tradition of the Church’.”

Read: Fiducia Supplicans Controversy: Holy Office Issues ‘Clarification’ as Pope Francis Tries to Quell Open Rebellion Against Gay Couple Blessings

In Fiducia Supplicans authorizes the blessing of couples not married – including those that are same sex.

This caused a deep division in the church, infuriating conservatives, being openly opposed by a whole continent, represented by the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar.

Read: On the Blessed Day of Epiphany, Pope Francis Continued Trying to Gaslight the Faithful Into Buying His Controversial Approach to Doctrine and Dogma.

“Those who have signed the open letter include Gil Bailie, a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars; Dr. Regis Martin, a professor of theology at Franciscan University Steubenville; and Rev. Robert Sirico, president of the Catholic St. John Henry Newman Institute in Michigan.

[…] The joint letter [says] Fiducia Supplicans represents an ‘evident break with Scripture and the Tradition of the Church’. The document adds that ‘twenty episcopal conferences, dozens of individual prelates, and even cardinals invested with the highest positions’ have come out in opposition, adding: ‘Never in the history of the Catholic Church has a document of the Roman Magisterium experienced such a strong rejection’.”

Read more:

Pope Francis Says Africans Are a ‘Special Case’ in Their Fierce Rejection of ‘Same-Sex Blessings’ – Labels Other Opponents as ‘Small Groups’ That Must Be Ignored


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