Father of Five, J6 Political Prisoner James Brett Awaits Trail-FBI Raided His Home at Gunpoint With Infant Daughter Inside

Today we have a special J6 biography write up, for a Jan 6 patriot behind the scenes who has given up everything for the cause of liberty.
James Brett, an avid Florida patriot and Proud Boy, is also the producer of the documentaries on J6Truth.org that hundreds of thousands of The Gateway Pundit readers have watched & shared!
Jimmy, as the J6 community loving calls him, has a heart wrenching story that might bring tears to yours eyes, keep him in your prayers!
James went to DC on January 6, 2021 after praying intensely with a fellow patriot and brother. His intention for attending the rally in Washington DC was simply to redress his grievances and keep protestors safe from Antifa, notorious for attacking Trump supporters at political protests and rallies.
There are many things that Jimmy has done in his life and for his community, but now he feels that all are irrelevant in comparison to our fight for survival against the tyrants in DC.
All in all, the most prized title in his life is “Dad.” Jimmy is a father of 5 kids. He has 3 boys and 2 girls ranging in age from 2 to 16. He has based his life on service to others, faith in God and love of Country. He has a loving fiance whom he has had to postpone marrying for fear of the government destroying her financially if he goes to prison, and the Federal Prosecutors have constantly been threatening to superseded him in a feeble attempt to break his resolve. Jimmy says their intense coercion tactics are incredibly dangerous and unAmerican!
****Please help Jimmy here. ****
Jimmy is a relentless entrepreneur and an ever hopeful believer in the American dream. He owned local newspapers and an internet marketing business prior to being arrested. All of his local businesses were destroyed by the left through doxxing and the media attention resulting from his arrest. His large family is now suffering immensely from these vicious attacks by leftists and the Government.
On June 3, 2022 his home was raided by the FBI for his attendance at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. He, his finance, and their 1 1/2 year old daughter were removed at gunpoint. Dozens of agents broke door frames, doors and personal property while clearing the house. The Biden Gestapo and his weaponized DOJ was sure to try to abuse and traumatize this American family as much as possible.
On January 6, Jimmy was peaceful, did not enter, vandalize, or take anything from the Capitol grounds. He is now one of over 1200 Political prisoners targeted by a corrupt regime.
Since his arrest, he has had to re-brand his businesses and has started the America First Newspaper. He has supported his fellow J6ers and the patriot movement by telling his story everywhere he can and assisting them in telling theirs.  Starting over again has had a devastating impact on his family and their financial well-being.  Rents have been raised, and even their family car repossessed –  about 80% of their previous income was lost in an instant.
Day to day life has been a struggle to say the least. Jim continues to trudge forward toward his approaching trial in early 2024.  He maintains that through Christian faith and the support of the January 6 community, this chapter of his life will only make him stronger and more resolute as a patriot.
Please visit Jimmy’s GiveSendGo & help out as much as possible, their family is eternally grateful for the Gateway Pundit patriots prayers & support.
***You can donate here.***

The post Father of Five, J6 Political Prisoner James Brett Awaits Trail-FBI Raided His Home at Gunpoint With Infant Daughter Inside appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

