Experts reveal exactly when hellish hay fever season will end

HAY fever season can be pretty unpleasant for pollen allergy sufferers under normal circumstances.

But Brits have noticed their allergies are worse than previous years, with many complaining of aggressive symptoms.

Many have complained of more severe hay fever symptoms this season

The Met Office has in fact been predicting “very high” pollen counts across the UK for a good few weeks.

There are a few reasons for this, one being hotter weather.

According to meteorologists, “unseasonably mild winters, warm springs and dry summers in recent years have led to plants growing more vigorously and a longer, stronger growing season”.

“A changing climate will mean that changes in temperature and rainfall may lengthen the UK pollen season and potentially make pollen concentrations higher,” it added.

“It’s possible that climate change will lead to changes in the potency of pollen – a single pollen particle can have varying amounts of the allergy-causing agent on it.”

Hay fever is essentially an allergic reaction to pollen shed by various plants that flower at different times, so it’s influenced by their growing cycles.

Though the pollen season typically lasts from March to November every year in the UK, you might only be allergic to specific types of pollen, so you probably won’t be in itchy, sneezy agony for this whole time.

But there are around 30 different types of pollen that cause hay fever and it is possible to be allergic to more than one type.

What are the different pollen types and when do their cycles end?

The first pollen hit from trees – which affects 25 per cent hay fever sufferers – is thankfully pretty much over in the UK, as it tends to last between late March and mid-May.

Most people tend to be allergic to grass pollen.

Sadly, this usually has two peaks and lasts from mid-May until July.

For England and Wales, grass pollen season reigns in the first two weeks of June.

The second, lower peak will occur in the first two weeks of July, after which things tail off slowly, according to the Met Office.

Weed pollen is also a thing, typically released between the end of June to September.

Forecasters note that pollen peaks may be masked by how wet, dry, warm or cold it is, and their timing very much depends on the weather during spring and early summer.

Low temperatures in winter will keep plants and trees dormant for longer into the new year, meaning less pollen is produced, but this can change if soil and air temperatures in spring are higher than normal.

Spring rainfall is also key, as a dry season reduces the amount of pollen production.

Where you live in the UK will also influence when the hay fever season starts and ends.

For example, the north of the UK has a later start and shorter season and urban areas generally have lower counts than the countryside.

Places inland also have higher counts than around the coast.

Ultimately, it means most people’s hay fever hell should be over by mid-July, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief come September.

Hay fever symtoms

HAY fever is a common allergic condition.

You’ll experience hay fever symptoms if you have an allergic reaction to pollen.

You’ll experience hay fever symptoms if you have an allergic reaction to pollen.

The symptoms of hay fever include:

frequent sneezing
runny or blocked nose
itchy, red or watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis) 
an itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears
cough, caused by postnasal drip (mucus dripping down the throat from the back of the nose)

Less commonly, you may also experience:

the loss of your sense of smell (anosmia)
facial pain (caused by blocked sinuses)
tiredness and fatigue

If you have asthma, your asthma symptoms may get worse when you have hay fever.

Source: NHS

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