The same government tyranny and “legislative abuse” that has resulted in scores of black Americans spending years in prison for petty crimes is targeting political prisoners, patriots and conservative Americans for “standing for what they believe in,” warns Black Lives Matter Inc. Executive Director Mark Fisher.
The January 6 political prisoners “are going through the justice system, the court system, just like a lot of my brothers and sisters had to go through when I was coming up and as a youngster, and to this day,” Fisher told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview in front of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC.
“Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it moral. But it is a nation of laws that we live in, as opposed to a nation of people. So we have to deal with them,” he said. “I believe solidarity and brotherhood is the way to combat governmental overreach and legislative abuse.”
“I stand in solidarity with the January 6 political prisoners” and “there are hundreds of men that stand me,” the community organizer told TGP the night before meeting this reporter at the Capitol building.
Walking the halls of the Capitol with TGP on Friday as Congress left for August recess, Fisher commended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green for exposing the decrepit conditions of the DC Central Detention Facility and visiting the notorious “DC Gulag.’
“I just spoke with Marjorie Taylor Greene and I just let her know that she should continue to fight the good fight. People don’t like people who are outspoken, who are supposed to be quiet and remain timid,” he said.
Fisher then visited the federal courthouse, where every January 6er is tried with a 99.8 percent conviction rate.
“We came today to inquire about the January 6 prisoners and what the situation is, what their punishments will be and what the recourse is going to be for everybody who was involved in it,” he said. “I am going to some of their leaders and see what direction they want to go in.
“We have to just see eye to eye, and I’m going to, because the future is collaboration. It’s us understanding each other — understanding that it’s not the government that’s going to rescue us and save us and solve our problems. It’s going to be us, helping us and understanding one another and having empathy. And that’s what’s going to save America.”
Fisher pledged to visit the political prisoners at the jail, observe their trials and the unconstitutional offenses of government prosecutors and activist judges and remind members of Congress who they work for and to do their job:
So we’re going to organize, we’re going to talk to the leaders and see what direction they want to go in. And this is not going to be something that’s going to be for show. It’s going to be something that’s going to be of substance and that’s going to have long-term and permanent solutions.
As a Black Lives Matter leader and organizer, we really have no enemies. We are looking for allies. And as American brothers and sisters, I have empathy for anybody who was going through some type of hard situation, hard luck, hard times. And I don’t take any pleasure in the government penalizing or punishing people for standing up for what they believe in, especially as a fellow American.
As a Black Lives Matter leader, I’ve been a victim of that, for standing up for what I believe is right and for standing up for my people and we’ve had to deal with legislative abuse and governmental overreach as well.
Standing in solidarity, to me, means helping them, standing hand in hand with them in putting all biases aside — all political, respective boxes, all political parties and partisanship aside, — because the future is collaboration, and the future is allyship. So, I am willing to work with them and organize.
The Constitution very clearly states that in the very beginning, ‘We the People.’ the people have to organize. Again, doesn’t matter what respective party you have, what side you claim, or what ideology you believe, once the power is out of our hands as We the people, we’ve all lost.
I understand as a Black Lives Matter activist, I look at it from a different perspective and I understand as Proud Boys and members of that organization, they look at things from a different perspective as well. And I have understanding and empathy. I’m always going to stand in solidarity with my American brothers and sisters who are going through hard times.
Following the death of George Floyd, Fisher co-founded Black Lives Matter Rhode Island.
In 2021, Fisher garnered national headlines while leading BLM RI’s protest against Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse over the Democrat lawmaker’s membership to a “whites-only” beach club. Under Fisher’s leadership, BLM gave the senator an ultimatum — to renounce his family’s ties to the all-white beach club, or they would start protesting outside of his home and office.
Whitehouse maintains that all-white clubs are a “tradition” in the state.
Fisher has since moved to Maryland and founded Black Lives Matter Inc.
“We did some great things in the state of Rhode Island after the George Floyd episode when Black Lives Matter took the global stage and took the national center stage,” he explained. “We opened up a charter school. We did protesting. We protested police departments. We protested City Halls from one end of the state to the other. And we got a lot done. We got the first hate crime prosecuted. We got some policies passed through our political action committee. I eventually moved down to the DC area. After we got the funding from the Computer Science Institute to the tune of over a million dollars, we pretty much had the blueprint and so we’re trying to export that blueprint to here in DC.”
An organizer and leader of multiple protests at state Capitol buildings prior to January 6, Fisher insists the January 6 protest was not an “insurrection.”
While activists with his organization did not go into the Capitol buildings, they may have if police officers nonchalantly held the door of the building open like they did on January 6, he argued.
“No, it’s not an insurrection,” he said. “You have to take into consideration the perspectives of black Americans and white Americans. We come we have different perspectives because we have different histories of assault. One thing that might be seen, done by the black community might be interpreted differently from the white community, but I can tell you we’ve never entered into the state Capitol.
“We mobbed it. We were on, it on the steps in front of it and in the parking lot and then surrounded it. There was a police presence, heavy police presence, which was very threatening to us because it was a peaceful assembly. We had the right to protest that type of [police] bluster and behavior was very unsettling to us. We don’t like that either.”
Under the Clinton crime bill, which Joe Biden ardently supported, the Justice Department was also weaponized against “super predators,” young black and Hispanic men, a contributing factor in ‘black’ Americans getting incarcerated at nearly five times the rate of ‘white’ Americans.
Black and White Americans use drugs at almost identical rates, but black people are 3 times for likely to be arrested for it.
— Fact (@Fact) July 8, 2023
Years of incarceration for petty crimes is the norm in the ghettos across America, Fisher argued, noting many of his friends and family have spent years of their life in prison.
“Oh, God. Growing up, friends of mines went to jail. They were in and out like a turnstile. Some of them are still in jail for drug offenses that are not even considered criminal today,” he said. “I have friends that just got out of prison, federal prison. I got friends that are still in prison, family members. It’s a warzone in my neighborhood and in the neighborhoods that I grew up in. Survival is the ultimate achievement and we will do whatever it takes to feed ourselves to feed our families. And sometimes that puts us in precarious situations. Sometimes we make the wrong decision.
“That crime bill was enacted to directly affect and target inner-city kids, just like the war on drugs. A lot of policies that have been enacted have been to my community’s detriment. You can call us what you want, you can label it as you want to, but you have to understand it didn’t get there by itself. It didn’t happen on its own. There are a lot of steps that were taken a lot of processes that were enacted, for it to get to this position where we can be considered so easily to be a ‘super predator.’”
The post EXCLUSIVE | Black Lives Matter Leader Stands In Solidarity With J6 Political Prisoners And The Proud Boys At Federal Court House: ‘And I Have 100 More Men Who Stand With Me’ [WATCH] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.