Exact dates households must apply for up to £500 in free cash this month – do you need to act?

THOUSANDS of hard-up households can get up to £500 in free cash this month but the deadline is fast approaching.

The money is part of the Household Support Fund (HSF) which launched in 2021.

Bedford residents could get £85 in free cashGetty

It was extended for the second time in the March budget and for a third time in November to help those on the lowest incomes with the rising cost of living.

Struggling households can get free cash as part of the £421million government scheme.

Each council gets a different portion of funding depending on the size of the catchment area, population, and need.

The vouchers or grants on offer vary by location so you’ll have to check to see what you can get and how your council will pay you.

You’ll usually need to be on a low income to receive the help.

For some districts, you’ll need to act now as the deadline to apply or redeem your cash is this month.

If you don’t you’ll end up missing out.

We’ve got a list below of the councils we know have HSF deadlines for this month, plus how much residents can get.

Of course, it’s worth checking with your local council to double check as we may have missed one.

Bedford Borough Council – £85

Bedford Borough Council is giving out £85 free cash to spend on energy and water bills as well as food.

More than 50% of the funding will go to families with children who qualify for free school meals – though many more will qualify.

The amount you will receive depends on your circumstances.

For example, pensioners entitled to 100% council tax support will get £85 while pensioners entitled to less will be given £50.

Then, households entitled to 100% council tax support will get £85 while those who qualify for less will receive £50.

Applicants must be over the age of 18, have recourse to public funds, live in the area and be struggling with costs of the above.

They must also receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction but not receiving any of the following benefits:

Pension CreditsUniversal Credit Child Tax CreditsWorking Tax CreditsIncome SupportIncome Related Employment and Support AllowanceIncome Based Jobseeker’s Allowance.

The deadline to apply is February 28.

You can apply for the cash via the council’s website, you’ll need to use a passcode which you should have received in a letter about the scheme.

Harrow Council – up to £300

Residents living within the Harrow Council area (in London) have until February 28 to apply for support.

It had originally set the deadline for January 31 but extended it.

Some 750 households can apply for a one off payment of £300 to help with the cost of living.

You will need to have become entitled to a number of qualifying means-tested benefits between May 26, 2022 and September 30, 2022.

This includes Universal Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit and Income Support.

ou can apply if you were entitled to a number of disability benefits between May 26 and September 30 last year too.

This includes Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payments and War Pension Mobility Supplement.

You can’t apply if you have received the £650 cost of living payment, the £150 cost of living disability payment, or a £100 voucher under the Household Support Fund.

The full list of eligibility criteria is available on Harrow Council’s website – so you check on there to see if you can claim.

On top of the £300 payments, Harrow Council is offering free school meal vouchers to vulnerable households with children during the school holidays through to Easter this year.

You can find out if you are eligible for the vouchers on Harrow Council’s website – but your child must be between five and 18 years old.

Luton – up to £500 voucher

Luton Council is awarding up to £500 in electronic supermarket vouchers – applications for the scheme close on February 28.

The application-based scheme is open to Luton residents who meet the following criteria:

They have savings of less than £6,000 ANDThey are in receipt of certain eligible benefits ORHave a household income of less than £34,100

The qualifying benefits include:

Jobseeker’s allowance (including those not on Universal Credit)Employment and support allowance (including those not on Universal Credit)Income supportPension CreditTax credits (child and working tax credit)Council tax reductionUniversal CreditHousing benefit onlyCarers allowance

Anyone who meets the above criteria can submit an application for support on Luton Borough Council’s website.

How much support a household receives depends on their individual circumstances.

If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, you can make an appointment to use the self-serve systems at Luton Access.

Luton Access is located on the first floor of Luton Central Library.

To book an appointment call 01582 510373 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (10am to 5pm Wednesday).

North Yorkshire – up to £325

North Yorkshire County Council is giving people either £85 or £325 in free e-vouchers.

Residents can then use these vouchers for food shopping and other essentials.

Over 23,000 eligible people will have received a letter from the council containing a code for them to redeem their voucher.

Everyone should have received their letter by January 16 but if you think you qualify and haven’t got one, do contact North Yorkshire County Council.

This code allows them to download a supermarket e-voucher, with the option of a printed version if they want.

You can do this online or if you’re struggling, your local library will be able to help if you pop in and ask.

You’ll get £325 if you received housing benefit on or between 26 August and 25 September, but you did not qualify for the second cost of living payment.

You’ll get an £85 voucher if you were getting the maximum council tax discount as of 30 November.

But residents only have until February 15 to redeem their code into a voucher – so do so by this date or lose it.

Powys County Council – £200

Residents living in the Powys County Council district and could get a one off payment of £200 to help with the cost of living.

To qualify, you or your partner must have been receiving one of the following benefits between September 1 2022 and January 31:

Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS)Income SupportIncome Based Job Seekers AllowanceIncome Related Employment and Support AllowanceUniversal CreditWorking Tax CreditsChild Tax CreditsPension CreditPersonal Independence Payment (PIP)Disability Living Allowance (DLA)Attendance AllowanceCarers Allowance including anyone on underlying entitlement to Carers Allowance but who don’t receive any money due to the overlapping benefit rulesContributory Based/New Style Jobseekers AllowanceContributory Based/New Style Employment and Support AllowanceArmed Forces Independence PaymentConstant Attendance AllowanceWar Pension Mobility Supplement

You can also qualify if you care for a dependent child or adult between these same dates and they therefore receive the following benefits:

Attendance AllowanceDisability Living AllowancePersonal Independence PaymentArmed Forces Independence PaymentConstant Attendance AllowanceWar Pension Mobility Supplement

Residents will be contacted to apply for the grant – so you may have had something already – but you must apply by February 28.

You can apply on the Powys County Council website and payments are expected to be made in March.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing [email protected]

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