THIS is the little-known feature that can help open your jammed petrol pump.
A car expert from China revealed a hidden hack for when your fuel filler cap gets stuck, and warned about the dangers of opening it incorrectly.
A Chinese car whizz shared a handy hack for opening a jammed fuel capdongcheshijie/TikTok
She urged her pal not to use his keys to pry it opendongcheshijie/TikTok
The motors whizz, whose TikTok name roughly translates to Know The Car, posted a clip explaining what to do if you can’t access your fuel tank.
The video starts with a pal of the TikToker trying to prize the cap open with his keys.
However, she urges him to stop as it could ruin the paintwork.
Instead, she showed him how to access a secret switch that pops the cap open.
All you have to do is open your boot and lift up the floor cover.
Down on the right-hand side (for most right-hand drive cars) there should be a small, brightly coloured plastic ring.
This is a manual release for the filler cap and pulling it causes the cap to pop open.
Since it works mechanically rather than through the car’s electrical systems, it is less likely to fail because of invisible faults.
However, you make sure to get it replaced if it looks to be wearing out.
Social media commenters were left amazed by the useful trick.
One wrote: “Sister is out here saving lives.”
Another added: ” I wish I had known the gas cap one before I broke mine.”
It comes after a car cleaning whizz shared a 1p hack for keeping your vehicle free from crumbs.
Meanwhile, drivers were issued an urgent warning about fines as new road laws came into effect yesterday.
Instead, you should find the manual opening switch in your bootdongcheshijie/TikTok
This pops the cap open no problemdongcheshijie/TikTok Read More