Everyone can see the mushrooms, some can see the snails – but only those with a high driving IQ can spot the hidden car

YOU might just have a really high driving IQ if you can spot the hidden car in this scene.

Only people with sharp eyes and keen observational can solve this brain teaser in under 20 seconds.

Can you spot the car hidden among the snails within 20 seconds?Reddit

This tricky challenge is designed for both kids and adults – and will test your intelligence.

The goal is to spot a hidden hatchback in the busy picture full of snails and mushrooms.

It is not an easy task though – the intricacies of this challenge have left many people scratching their heads.

This challenge is not to be taken lightly, even the most experienced puzzle solvers were left baffled.

The key to solving this brainteaser is to pay attention to even the smallest of details.

What might not be immediately obvious at first could surprise you the more attention you pay to it.

But if you focus hard with all your attention and think like a genius, you should be able to solve this tricky brain teaser.

However, before you start, can you spot the hidden football in this busy parking lot?

Only those with impeccable vision and a sharp mind can spot them all – and a genius would be able to solve it in under 10 seconds.

Also, you could be crowned with perfect 20/20 vision if you can spot the three rabbits hiding in a tree in this mind-boggling illusion in under 15 seconds.

Coming back to our challenge, did you manage to spot the hidden car yet?

If you didn’t see it, look again carefully.

Here is one hint for you: it is in the top half of the picture.

Still no luck?

If you are still scratching your head trying to solve it, here is what you need to do.

The picture is indeed quite busy and the monochrome tone of the image makes it even difficult to spot a hidden object.

But the car has been subtly hidden among the mushrooms and snails.

If you look carefully in the top right section of the image, you should be able to see a snail’s eyes.

Turn on your creative brain and you will realise those eyes also double up to become the wheels of the car.

Now you can see the hatchback just above those eyes.

If you managed to solve this puzzle in less than a minute – give yourself a pat on the back.

However, if you solved it in less than 20 seconds – congratulations to you as you have just been certified as a genius with a high driving IQ!

If you want to try your luck at another optical illusion, then have a go at spotting the two hidden puppies in the dark park.

Similarly, you can also try and figure out which car has its headlights on in this mind-numbing brainteaser.

Only people with the IQ of an experienced driver can solve the puzzle in less than seven seconds.

The car is hidden in the top right section of the puzzleTiktok/@renes.cravings

Can you spot the four fake road signs in this fiendish brainteaser?

They are given away by featuring unusual images, including a surfer and an elephantDayinsure   
