“Even Though I Have to Be Neutral… I’M 100% ON BOARD” – Iowa GOP Chair Jeff Kaufmann Speaks About JANUARY 15 Iowa Caucus at Trump Event in Ottumwa, Iowa (VIDEO)

Crowd at Trump event in Ottumwa, Iowa

Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann gave a fired-up speech at President Trump’s event in Ottumwa, Iowa, railing against the radical left and calling for Iowans to pick a candidate who can “dump Joe Biden and the rest of these clowns.”

WE NEED TO GET THAT FOOL OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, NOW,” said Kaufmann, and the only man who can do this is President Trump. Kaufmann appeared to push voters strongly to vote for Trump while attempting to maintain his neutrality as GOP Chairman. “As the chairman of the Republican Party, even though I have to be neutral during the caucuses, the minute we’ve got a leader, I’m 100% on board,” he said.

Kaufmann also reminded the state of New Hampshire that they’re next after Iowa, and they need to elect President Trump as the Republican Nominee in January 2024.

The Gateway Pundit reported that President Trump was expected to speak on Sunday, and, after a brief delay, took the stage at approximately 3:20 CT/4:20 ET. Watch Trump speak live here:

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Ottumwa, Iowa – THOUSANDS Turn Out Hours Early

Trump already leads “DeSanctus” by 37 points with 51% of support among all candidates in an Iowa GOP primary poll from last month.

What was supposed to be a small caucus training and speaking event turned into a massive crowd with standing room only, according to RSBN correspondents. President Trump will likely destroy his opponents in the Caucuses and all other Republican Primaries nationwide.

Thousands of Patriots were signing 2024 Caucus “pledge cards” and learning about the caucus system as they awaited the President.

Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann gave an explosive speech to warm up the crowd while waiting for President Trump to speak. Although Kaufmann told the crowd that he has “to be neutral during the caucuses,” it was clear that he is ready to “BRING THIS HOME” for President Trump on January 15 with the Iowa grassroots GOP.

Watch below:

Kaufmann: It is great to be in Wapello County in Ottumwa, a place that used to be blue, and now you’re dark red like the rest of this state. Good job! This area of Iowa is like every other part of Iowa, and it’s spreading throughout the United States. People understand that the Democrats are crazy. The woke has over woke they’re welcome, AND WE NEED TO GET THAT FOOL OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, NOW! OUT!

That’s what Iowa is first in the nation is all about. It all starts here. It begins with a caucus. We’re not a primary. Primary is pretty simple; you show up, you vote, and the State picks up the bill. A caucus is a party-run event. The state is not a part of the caucus. You are the caucus, over 1700 precincts, hundreds and hundreds of volunteers. We will count that vote openly with transparency, and we will have a paper trail, and the winner of the Iowa caucuses will be launched to DUMP JOE BIDEN AND THE REST OF THOSE CLOWNS. this is important stuff folks. It really is. I’m a history professor. I hear almost every election cycle, “This is the most important election ever.” Folks, this really is the most important election. These nuts in the White House, when you have a fool that can’t even make up his own mind and can’t walk down airplane steps, you know who’s running the place! It’s absolute nut-bureaucrats that are not elected that are further left than Mao Zedong! that must end, and it starts in Iowa to end it together!

As you can tell, my voice is hoarse. And my voice is hoarse because we understand the gravity of this place. Think about it. Think about what we just lived through; the exit out of Afghanistan was despicable. Absolutely despicable! The price of gas is the biggest hardship that we’ve had in years on every day Iowans and everyday Americans. It’s time that we have a leader, that leader must be conservative, that leader must listen to the people, and that leader must not be the woke left and that NUT IN THE WHITE HOUSE! It’s got to end! And it’s not enough if you’ve taken the time this Sunday afternoon to come here and show up and show your support for Donald Trump. That’s great. Thank you. As the chairman of the Republican Party, even though I have to be neutral during the caucuses, the minute we’ve got a leader, I’m 100% on board. And together, we’re gonna end this! But what’s important, it’s not enough that you show up. I’m sorry, folks. It’s too important.

It’s not enough that you show up. It’s not just enough that you bring a couple of neighbors. We have got to help the largest caucus turnout that we’ve ever had on January 15 because not only do we have to nominate a strong leader, we have got to show the rest of the world that we have had it, and we will stop at nothing, we will move heaven and earth, TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY! IT STARTS NOW. NOW! And it all starts in Iowa.

I want to thank the 45th president for believing in Iowa to put us in that place. I hope New Hampshire understands they go after Iowa. I hope the Iowa Democrats get their act together because so far they haven’t. But the only thing that I can account for is the Iowa caucuses for the GOP, and with crowds like this, I know we’re gonna be just fine. So, here’s my final word to every single one of you. We have a caucus here in Iowa, because we believe in the grassroots. We believe what the people say is what we implement, so as your party chair, I’m not sitting there saying, “well I believe in the grassroots as long as they agree with me.” No, I’m sitting there, folks. I’m waiting for you. And what I’m waiting for is who you want to be the nominee for president and the minute we have our nominee, we’re gonna BRING THIS HOME! Thank you, see on January 15!

The post “Even Though I Have to Be Neutral… I’M 100% ON BOARD” – Iowa GOP Chair Jeff Kaufmann Speaks About JANUARY 15 Iowa Caucus at Trump Event in Ottumwa, Iowa (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

