Emily Blunt delivered a unique take on the sheer dress trend during date night with John Krasinski at the 2023 SAG Awards. Between exchanging looks of adoration with her husband, the “A Quiet Place Part II” star floated down the red carpet in a sheer slit dress by Oscar de la Renta. Her stylist, Jessica Paster, paired the ensemble with a cherry-red clutch and jewelry in tones of ruby and silver.
Blunt’s strappy mermaid gown featured a horizontal accordion pattern composed of red fabric strips. Each segment was arranged by width, with thinner strips encircling her waist and expanding in size as they descended to the floor. Between each segment, sheer panels created the illusion of a singular ribbon wrapped around her entire body.
In a video shared on Instagram by hairstylist Laini Reeves, Blunt and Krasinski made a humorous exit from the hair and makeup room. As Blunt turned to leave, she did a full-body spin, sharing a glimpse at the centered knee-high slit at the back of the dress.
The designer gown was embroidered with dozens of pink flowers and delicate leaves that seemed to creep down her shoulder, across her waist, and to the floor like a vine. She complemented the ensemble with a bright red manicure, matching lipstick, and a snake collar necklace embellished with rubies.
See Blunt’s exquisite Oscar de la Renta dress from all angles ahead.