Eating popular fruit could help prevent dementia and depression, study finds

STRAWBERRIES could help prevent dementia and depression for the overweight in middle-age.

A daily portion of the fruit for 12 weeks improved mood and reduced problems relating to memory and mental health, a study found.

A study finds that a daily portion of strawberries for 12 weeks improved mood and reduced memory and mental health problems in overweight middle-aged peopleGetty

Researchers hope their findings could assist in the prevention of dementia, which currently has no known cure and affects one in 11 over the age of 65 in the UK.

Professor Robert Krikorian, of the University of Cincinnati, in the US, said: “Dementia is a general term that includes many different diseases, all without remedies.

“It is not clear when or if effective therapy will be available; prevention and mitigation through dietary and lifestyle choices is currently the best approach we have.”

He added: “Our findings can likely be attributed to the anti-inflammatory actions of the anthocyanins found in strawberries.

“We wanted to work with a middle-aged, overweight population as dementia is a condition that is believed to develop over a period of decades.

“Furthermore, inflammation is likely a contributing factor related to metabolic disorders such as obesity, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.”

Strawberries are important for maintaining a healthy diet, as they provide 100 per cent of the recommended daily vitamin C amount in a single one cup serving.

They also contain heart-healthy nutrients.

