Ear-Piercing Noise Blares Through DC Gulag Torturing Sleep Deprived J6 Political Prisoners For Weeks

An ear-shattering, harrowing sharp noise has been blaring throughout the Washington DC  Correctional Treatment Facility for weeks where January 6 political prisoners are detained.

J6 defendants housed in C3A, the cell block known as the Patriot Pod in the DC gulag where J6ers are segregated from the general population, called The Gateway Pundit asking the American people to demand oversight of the jail from US Marshals and members of Congress.

As TGP has reported, J6ers have been brutalized– ripped from their cells, abducted and transferred to the country’s hostile correctional facilities–barred from communication for exposing the corruption within the Bureau of Prisons System and the Department of Justice to the media.

Christian Missionary and J6 Protester Matthew Krol ‘Died’ in Prison, Was Ignored by Guards for Over an Hour But He Lived to Tell About It – Here is his Story – Please Help Matthew if You Can

J6 political prisoner Matthew Kroll has been living on a pacemaker for nearly two years in the DC jail and has described dying from a heart attack while incarcerated and “coming back” while waiting years for heart surgery. Kroll is one of several J6 defendants in the correctional facility in a legal battle with DC jail for medical deprivation.

After enduring more than two weeks of unbearable loud noise, Kroll is calling on everyone on the outside for help.

“We have another situation here in C3A. For weeks, now throughout the day and many nights, there [are] sounds of construction going on,” the political prisoner, who is living on a pacemaker, told TGP after 14 days of the madness. “The supervisors say there is no construction at night, yet the noise continues.

“And there have been C/Os that have said there [is] no construction going on in the pod above us. It is 10:23 PM and our current C/O has been in my cell twice tonight to the noise. Inmates in the USA are supposed to get 8 1/2 hours of interrupted sleep a day, that does not happen here.”

Last Tuesday, TGP visited the jail equipped with an undercover camera.

A scaffold was erected on the exterior of the jail alongside shattered glass on the ground and what appeared to be the stain of dried blood.

The intolerable deafening noise Kroll claimed the inmates have endured living with for weeks was persistently blaring off the cinderblock walls of the jail when this reporter walked into the lobby of the DC Gulag.


If it was this loud in the lobby, nonstop,  imagine the hell it’s been for the inmates.

“Can we get our supporters to contact the jail, the Marshals, and their Congressmen? Other inmates here will verify what I’m saying. Thank you,” Kroll wrote in a text message to TGP.

TGP returned to the jail on Friday, and the same ear-piercing noise was blaring throughout the building.


At Guantanamo Bay, the military has notoriously attempted to break down Mulsim prisoners by bombarding them with ear-splitting noise. Now the Patriot Act is weaponized against American patriots.

Electronic devices are only permitted in the lobby of the jail for visitors except for legal visits during which an inmate’s attorneys, paralegals and investigators are permitted to recording-devices.

Correctional officers escort all visitors in a private room where they are subject to invasive patdowns. Female visitors must take off their shoes, bend over, lift up their bras and undergarments, open their mouths lift their tongues to ensure no illegal paraphernalia, or drugs are taken to the jail.

Petty Tyrants In DC Gulag Spin COVID Torture

Oftentimes, petty tyrant guards take glee in making visitors’ lives miserable, interrogating visitors over the fabrics of their clothes and the cut on the sleeves or necks of their shirts as justification to rescind the visit.

Where is the Republican Party?

The US Capitol building is located approximately two miles from the DC Gulag. Twice a handful of members of Congress have visited the DC jail. The Capitol building is also located across the street from the US federal court house where every January 6 defendant, including former President Donald Trump, is tried. Not a single member of Congress or their staffers have observed a single trial of any January 6 defendant.

The Gateway Pundit readers can help push back on this wicked injustice.
You can make some phone calls to DC Jail and the DC Councilmen. Demand accountability to why humans are being treated worse than zoo animals, and why unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment is yet again being inflicted upon these patriots!
If you would like to help out the Jan 6 Patriot prisoners, please CALL these numbers below and respectfully demand this lockdown be stopped now!
You can also donate to help our POWs on the January 6 Commissary Fund by visiting –> SponsorJ6.com
Here are the numbers to call: (Jan 6ers are in unit C3A) The Central Treatment Facility (DC JAIL – CTF) Ask for Warden or Deputy Director or Major in Command 202-790-6601
US MARSHALS 703-740-8132 and 703-740-8400
DC CITY COUNSEL 202-724-8000
God protect these tortured souls.

The post Ear-Piercing Noise Blares Through DC Gulag Torturing Sleep Deprived J6 Political Prisoners For Weeks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

