Drivers are only just realising they’re actually making their windscreen foggier – it’s all down to little-known button

DRIVERS have been warned over a key mistake that actually makes their windscreens fog up more – and it’s all down to a little-known button.

Experts from Derby-based Eden Tyres & Servicing explained that a common misconception means that motorists may actually be shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to clearing their view.

GettyA team of experts have warned against using a little-known button in winter[/caption]

SuppliedThe recirculation function is great when its warm, but can cause trouble in colder weather[/caption]

They urged car owners not to use the aircon’s recirculation button in cold and wet weather, as it can actually do more harm than good.

The button can be picked out by its symbol, which depicts the outline of a car with a horizontal U-shaped arrow within it.

In practice, as the name would suggest, it recirculates the air inside the cabin rather than forcing the aircon to take in new air from outside on each rotation.

This is great in summer as it can cool your car down quicker and more economically, as the system only has to cool the air once rather than drawing in new hot air.

However, in the winter time, it is actually a hindrance.

This is because the recirculated air will not retain heat as well, while also increasing the humidity in the car on damp days.

In effect, it creates a perfect storm, where damp, cold air is trapped inside the car and condenses on the cold windscreen, causing it to fog up and remain stubbornly fogged.

Not only that, but it also leaves you feeling cold and damp for longer when all you want is to warm up as quickly as possible.

Instead, turn the recirculation function off and allow the car to pull in air from outside through the heater core, which will both warm and dehumidify it.

The team at Eden explained: “As a general rule, when it’s cold outside make sure the recirculation button is switched off.

“The air-recirculation button is best to use alongside your AC during warm weather.

“During cooler weather, it doesn’t have many benefits and can even be detrimental.

“The standard “fresh air” mode forces the outside air through your heater core so it’s nice and toasty before it reaches you, and your windows will de-fog a lot quicker and stay that way while you drive.”

They even suggested that increased humidity from using recirculation in winter could make the cabin stuffy and cause drowsiness, putting drivers’ safety at risk.

It comes after another team of motors experts recommended a 60p kitchen essential as a great tool for preventing your windows from misting up.

Meanwhile, millions of Brits could have a worrying safety fault with their car so get yours checked now.

