Drivers are only just realising easy way to use less fuel while driving – and it’s so obvious

With Easter holidays just around the corner and many families looking to grab some much needed time away, UK roads will be busier than ever.

Most drivers will need as much carrying capacity as possible, with some looking to attach extra luggage to roof racks and also using roof boxes to transport a raft of kit.

Family estate cars offer lots of room, but you may still need a roof box

Families often use a roof rack to transport bikes around

What you may not realise is that placing bulky items on top of your car can cost you serious cash – by making your car less aerodynamic and fuel efficient.

Surprisingly, a study found that overall economy can be reduced by up to a third of what you might normally expect to see.

So, why do roof boxes, in particular, have such a negative effect on your car’s fuel economy?

Whether your vehicle is powered by petrol, diesel or perhaps an EV, overall weight and aerodynamics will have a big impact on your ability to travel longer distances efficiently.

Car designers do their best to make sure that the shape of the vehicle is as smooth and sleek as possible to minimise air resistance.

When you place a big box on top of your car you increase the resistance – maybe not so much at lower speeds, but at motorway limits you’ll find the engine has to work much harder to keep up the pace, and uses much more fuel in doing so.

Although using the big, bulky boxes is sometimes a necessity for family holidays and trips away, the BIG mistake some people make is not removing them from the car once they return. 

The moral of the story is that if you spend a little time making sure roof racks and storage boxes are removed from your car when you don’t need them, then you’ll save a packet at the pumps.

You might want to think about your own driving style, too – cruising at 60mph instead of 70mph on a motorway is much more economical.

And, if you buy a car with a start/stop system – a function that turns the engine off automatically when stationary – it’s estimated you can save around 15 per cent in fuel during town driving conditions.

Even if you’re transporting lots of kit, there are ways to save fuel  Read More 
