Devastated mum finds ‘fit and healthy’ son dead on his bedroom floor – and issues chilling plea

A DEVASTATED mum who found her son dead on his bedroom floor is pushing for every teen in the country to be screened to prevent further tragedies.

Sam Richards, 57, a television producer from London, was left crushed when her son Toby died in 2019 from a hidden heart condition.

PA Real LifeToby Berlevy, 22, died from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS)[/caption]

His mum Sam Richards, 57, found her son dead on his bedroom floorPA Real Life

The 22-year-old was fit and active, having started a workout programme in preparation for joining the Royal Marines, but had an undetected irregular heartbeat.

He died from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS), which is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest but the cause cannot be found.

Sam said: “Tobe was very fit and healthy, like a lot of people who died from what we know now is SADS.

“There were no prior warning signs — Tobe hadn’t fainted or had shortness of breath or anything like that.

“It was horrific and I remember calling my husband and I screamed down the phone, ‘My son is dead’.”

Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome affects around 500 Brits every year, according to the British Heart Foundation.

The diagnosis is made when someone dies unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest but the root cause of the medical event can’t be found.

Irregular heart beats, known as arrhythmias, are caused by problems with the electrical impulses in the heart.

Because these impulses stop after death, medics cannot measure if a person had an arrhythmia and a diagnosis of SADS is made.

Sam’s life was turned upside down in the summer of 2019 when she texted Toby one morning but unusually did not receive a reply.

She went out for lunch and phoned him when she got back but there was still no answer.

As Toby’s flat was just a five-minute walk away from Sam’s house, she decided to leave work early and stop by his place on the way home.

It was horrific and I remember calling my husband and I screamed down the phone, ‘My son is dead’

Sam Richards

She said: “I just had a really bad feeling. I let myself into the building downstairs and stuck my head out the back window on the first floor to see if Toby’s motorbike was there. 

“He never went anywhere without his bike and I saw that it was outside covered up.”

Reaching her son’s apartment, Sam knocked on the door and, when there was no answer, she let herself into the flat.

She said: “I could see that his breakfast was left out in the kitchen. There was a corridor that led through to his bedroom and his bedroom door was open.

“I could see him lying on the floor. I said, ‘Toby, what’s going on?’. 

“I didn’t know what was going on at that point, I was still taking it all in, but he was naked on the floor with a towel over his head and I could see that the bottom of his feet were slightly red.

“I lifted the towel up and I knew at that point, he was dead. His lips were really swollen, black and shiny and his eyes were just… he was dead.”

It was just surreal, you just can’t fathom what’s happening

Sam Richards

Stuart – Toby’s stepfather – raced from their home to be by her side as she phoned emergency services and the pair waited until a paramedic arrived on a bicycle.

“I remember the paramedic saying to my husband, ‘I don’t really know what it is, but I think it might be his heart’,” Sam said.

After the police had determined there was no foul play, they handed over to a coroner.

“It was just surreal, you just can’t fathom what’s happening,” Sam said.

“In the first few days, I was trying to piece it together.

“He had a pull-up bar on the doorframe and his workout clothes were on the floor, and the light was on in the shower.

“It’s probably the case that Tobe has been working out and went to have a shower, and the reason I found the towel on his head and he was naked was because he’d walked from his ensuite shower into the bedroom and was towel drying his hair when he dropped dead.

“I am told that he would not have known anything about it, it was like switching off the lights.”

After Toby’s death, his family was screened to make sure they did not also have arrhythmia and, as they processed their grief, Sam began to look for ways to stop this tragedy from happening to other families.

The campaign

Determined to raise awareness and help teenagers get screened, Sam set up TOBE-Heartsafe, a non-profit organisation providing an on-site screening service.

The charity also has basic life support training as a core element of its mission.

She said: “In some countries, you cannot have a driving licence without knowing how to do basic lifesaving training.

“If you came across somebody who had collapsed, and you knew how to administer CPR and you know how to use a defibrillator, it can be lifesaving.

“What our model is is that we are going out to private schools and we’re saying, ‘would you like screening for your children, it would cost this amount of money but you’re also buying a screening for a child in the community who can’t afford it’.

“We want to roll it out to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it, community sports clubs and just places where young people are.”

According to TOBE-Heartsafe, every week in the UK, around 12 young people under the age of 35 die suddenly from a previously undiagnosed heart condition and around 80 per cent of these occur with no prior symptoms.

Before Toby’s death, he had started an intense eight-week fitness programme in preparation for joining the Marines.

Sam said: “If I had teenagers now who are about to start doing a lot of high intensive cardio exercise, I would absolutely want to take them to get screened.

“And now, there are quite a lot of private schools, where their pupils are screened, and very often this is the result of a pupil dying and then you’re in an environment where there’s an awareness of it and the parents can afford it so it’s offered.

“The thing that is most shocking to me is that most people have an experience of someone they knew who this happened to and that’s why I’m motivated to get awareness raised because knowledge is power.

“I do think every secondary school kid should be screened, obviously if their parents want them to, but it’s all about legislation and funding. 

“It needs lots of voices to come together and that’s what we collectively as a group are trying to do.”

PA Real LifeSam is pushing for every teen in the country to be screened to prevent further tragedies[/caption]

What causes sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS)?

SADS usually happens when an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia, goes untreated and leads to a cardiac arrest.

An arrhythmia usually causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. It is usually caused by a heart condition that affects the heart’s electrical system.

Sometimes, the heart condition that causes the arrhythmia can be inherited. Inherited heart conditions are often the cause of SADS if they are left undetected and untreated. These conditions include:

long QT syndrome (LQTS)
Brugada syndrome
catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT)
progressive cardiac conduction defect (PCCD).

A condition that causes SADS is undetectable after death because the heart will appear normal.

But there are a few conditions that can cause SADS because of very subtle changes to the heart.

SADS may still be diagnosed because the structural changes are too small to be seen when the heart is examined after death.

Source: The British Heart Foundation

