DeSantis Shares Story of Californian Who Moved to Florida Due to Better Governance, Reveals He’s Newsom’s Father-in-Law (VIDEO)

Screenshot: FOX News

During Thursday’s prime-time debate, woke and socialist California Governor Gavin Newsom and pro-life and pro-constitution Florida Governor Ron DeSantis engaged in a heated discussion over a range of issues, including the economy, pandemic restrictions, and Joe Biden’s leadership.

A particularly notable moment occurred when the topic shifted to the migration of people between California and Florida.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity wasted no time in probing the two governors about the pattern of people leaving high-tax, high-regulation California for lower-tax, lower-regulation Florida.

According to Hannity, “Didn’t address the issue. Can you explain this migration out of California and going to red and blue states?”

Newsom attempted to interject, stating, “Hold on,” before Hannity continued with his line of questioning, suggesting that there had been a reverse migration from Florida to California, which Newsom agreed was worth looking into.

“You mean the last two years? More Floridians going to California than Californians going to Florida?” said Newsom.

“By the way, that’s going to be fun to fact-check. So we’ll just start right there. California has no peers. California dominates the size of 21 state populations combined. It’s the fifth-largest economy in the world. We dominate the number one manufacturing state.”


Newsom: “The last two years, more Floridians went to California than Californians going to Florida. That will be fun to fact check.”

Ca to FL: 50,701
FL to CA: 28,557

CA to FL: 37,464
FL to CA: 24,692

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 1, 2023

Newsom is straight lying on national TV.

Official figures showed that in 2022, approximately 50,701 people relocated from California to Florida, while a smaller count of 28,600 moved in the opposite direction, giving Florida a net gain of around 22,100 residents, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

According to RedState, over the past two years, California has seen a decrease of over 500,000 residents. This figure surpasses New York state’s loss of approximately 143,000 fewer individuals in the same timeframe. This trend reflects a larger movement of people relocating to traditionally Republican (“red”) states. Notably, Texas experienced an influx of roughly 700,000 people, while Florida’s population grew by nearly 900,000 between 2020 and 2022.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, new analysis finds that almost half of the people in California are considering leaving the state.

People are tired of high taxes, high crime, the war on energy and much more.

According to a recent poll by Strategies 360, even though 70% of Californians are happy where they live, about four in ten residents are thinking about leaving the state.

Gov. Ron DeSantis told the story of a Californian migrant who cited better governance in Florida as the reason for his move.

“So I was talking to a fella who had made the move from California to Florida, and he was telling me that Florida is much better governed, safer, better budget, lower taxes, all this stuff,” DeSantis said.

“And then he paused and he said, by the way, I’m Gavin Newsom’s father in law. So we do count Gavin’s in-laws as some of the people that have fled California and come to the state of Florida,” DeSantis said.


Look at Gavin Newsom’s face when Ron DeSantis brings up the fact that his own father-in-law has moved to Florida because it’s better governed.

— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) December 1, 2023

The post DeSantis Shares Story of Californian Who Moved to Florida Due to Better Governance, Reveals He’s Newsom’s Father-in-Law (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

