Deaf J6 Defendant Vitali Gossjankowski FIGHTS FBI Agents! Flips Over Tables In Court Room When Judge Orders Him Into Custody

This reporter has observed at least a dozen family members of J6 defendants break down in tears, trembling with outrage and devastation in the courtrooms where every J6 defendant including President Donald Trump is tried. 

US District Federal Judges FBI agents and attorneys representing the United States government take glee in over-prosecuting and over-sentencing MAGA supporters for thought crimes with a 100 percent conviction rate in jury trials. 

It was only a matter of time before someone snapped.

Nearly a dozen U.S. Marshalls, FBI agents and court security officers tackled and forcibly arrested J6 defendant Vitali GossJankowski, a 34-year-old man convicted of assaulting police during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, after he refused to surrender when a judge ordered him into custody. 

US District Court Judge Paul Friedman revoked GossJankowski’s pre-sentencing release after government prosecutors claimed during a hearing on Monday he intimidated and threatened law enforcement officials following his arrest.

As officers tried to place Gossjankowski in handcuffs, GossJankowski threw his hand up and lashed out.

GossJankowski wrestled court officers to the ground, tossing over tables and chairs during the battle. 

The fight ramped up as more security guards and US Marshalls rushed in to subdue the scuffle.

GossJankowski reportedly had to be held down by at least four US Marshals and FBI staff. 

In March, GossJankowski was found guilty of felony and misdemeanor charges for assaulting officers “with an electro-shock device” during the riot where police murdered unarmed protesters in broad daylight and indiscriminately shot the crowd with rubber bullets, flash-bang grenades and tear gas.

Judge Friedman allowed GossJankowski to remain under supervions free as he awaited sentencing until Friedman was alerted by prosecutors about GossJankowski’s threats to dox federal agents.

According to the government, sent numerous antisemitic texts to FBI agents overseeing his case and warned in social media posts that he would release their the names, phone numbers and emails of law enforcement and prosecutors on social media.

GossJankowski also allegedly called for the “employment extermination” of the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

One of the dangerous text messages was sent to the FBI agent who first arrested GossJankowski in 2021.

“Previously, the defendant had used his social media to track and publicly harass members of law enforcement and the FBI’s Washington Field Office,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing.

“This alone was concerning. But now, he has sent intimidating, direct messages to a specific law enforcement officer who previously testified in this case.”

“All of this is extremely troubling,” Friedman said. “It’s dangerous. It’s putting others in danger, including prosecutors and law enforcement. I’m just stunned.”

Defense attorney Matthew Peed, representing GossJankowski, contends client’s attempt to resist arrest was an emotional aberration in light of his otherwise appropriate temperament.

The hearing was “a confusing and emotional moment,” Peed said, adding that he’d maintained proper decorum throughout all his proceedings. “The end of today’s hearing was a confusing and emotional moment for Mr. GossJankowski and not at all in line with the character he has demonstrated through his many months on release.”

“GossJankowski, who is deaf and was enrolled at D.C.’s Gallaudet University on Jan. 6, 2021, visibly reacted when an ASL interpreter who participated in the hearing via Zoom communicated Friedman’s decision. When the hearing ended, GossJankowski began making low moaning sounds — and when a Marshal approached him to take him into custody, he resisted,” WUSA9 reports.

When Antifa and BLM terrorists burnt down police stations and assaulted police, they were not sent to prison for years or decades as are the Jan. 6 protesters. 

Former president Donald Trump faces a total of 91 charges across four criminal cases, including 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, all of them felonies.

The most severe federal counts are those related to 1512 obstruction of an official proceeding, a violation which is punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment.

Joe Biden has zero.

See the pattern?

The post Deaf J6 Defendant Vitali Gossjankowski FIGHTS FBI Agents! Flips Over Tables In Court Room When Judge Orders Him Into Custody appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

