DANGEROUS AND IRRESPONSIBLE: France’s Macron Floats the Idea of Sending Troops to Ukraine – European and NATO Leaders Shoot His Lunacy Down

Globalist poster boy Emmanuel Macron, former Rothschild banker, is a failed President of France who goes on from crisis to crisis, never having a moment to govern with a sense of normalcy.

Just days ago, the political survivor Macron wanted to visit the Agricultural Fair in Paris, a traditional annual event – but the revolting French farmers broke through security and invaded the fair space, leading Macron to RUN surrounded by his security detail – see the photo below.

You would think that this beleaguered ‘leader’ would focus all his attention on solving the very dire problems facing his country, from unchecked mass migration to poverty, a stagnant economy, crippling ‘green’ policies killing French agriculture, etc.

But no – this is Emmanuel Macron, the man always looking for a ‘positive agenda’ moment, however inappropriate – or, in this case, catastrophic – this moment may turn out to be.

Macron hosted yet another meeting of the countries helping Ukraine’s war effort. It included representatives of the European Union’s 27 member countries, including 21 heads of state.

Most countries went there to discuss sending ammo or tanks – some more engaged perhaps had long-range missiles and planes in mind.

But not Macron, the man in search of the holophotes.

He made sure that European leaders ‘discussed the possibility’ of sending Western troops to Ukraine in a bilateral fashion.

What this means, probably, judging by the reaction of said countries, is that Macron floated the idea and everyone else discarded it vehemently – hence the ‘discussion.’

But Macron made sure to repeat the insane idea for everyone in the media to hear – and catapulted his idiocy out to the farthest recesses of the globe.

Business Insider reported:

French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters after the Monday meeting that the prospect of sending Western troops to Ukraine could not ‘be ruled out’.

Representatives at the meeting did not reach consensus about the question of putting troops on the ground in Ukraine, Macron said, though he added that ‘we cannot exclude anything’.”

While Macron got his moment in the spotlight by threatening to kickoff WW3, the other countries participating were pretty quick in waving away his dangerous and stupid idea.

‘Britain is not planning a large-scale deployment of troops’, PM Rishi Sunak’s spokesman.
‘Finland is not ready to send its military to Ukraine’, President Sauli Niinistö.
‘There will be ground forces or soldiers on Ukrainian soil sent there by European states or NATO countries’, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Macron proposed sending troops, but no one supported this idea’, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.
‘NATO countries disagree on the prospect of sending their troops to Ukraine and no such decisions have been made’, Polish President Andrzej Duda.
‘Stockholm is not considering sending its military to Ukraine’, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.
‘There is no talk of sending Czech military personnel to Ukraine’, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala.
The Italian Foreign Ministry: ‘we are not at war with Russia’.
‘NATO has no plans to send combat units to Ukraine’, Secretary General Stoltenberg.

In France, the reaction to the Macron factoid was as bad as you’d imagine.

The Le Figaro’s poll ‘Do you support sending French troops to the ground in Ukraine?’ showed over 76% negative responses.

Macron’s folly caused innumerable reactions around the globe. Arnaud Bertrand, on X, wrote:

“As for conventional forces, the French army has only 80,000 ‘combat’ men (out of a total of 205,000), of which at best 30,000 would be deployable. Half of the equipment (tanks, helicopters) is currently not operational.

[…] Under these conditions, to gesture – because it is a political gesture – when one does not have the means makes no diplomatic sense. It is, on the contrary, sending a signal of weakness to the ‘adversary’ one seeks to impress.

[…] Thus, this is the third time we are faced with an erratic initiative from Emmanuel Macron, after his disclosure of parts of telephone conversations with V. Putin and his desire to invite himself, outside any rule, to the BRICS summit in 2023.

[…] That a nuclear power, with a veto right at the UN Security Council, can be represented by a president like Emmanuel Macron, with erratic and/or adventurous initiatives, should be a source of concern and anger for any self-respecting French person.”

Also, an ‘unnamed senior European defense official’ spilled the beans on Financial Times about a present reality:

“Everyone knows there are western special forces in Ukraine — they’ve just not acknowledged it officially.”

Russians reacted in an unfazed way.

Sputnik reported:

“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow had taken notice of the French president’s remarks and was well aware of his position regarding the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, adding that some countries that participated in a meeting held in Paris on Ukraine held a quite ‘wise assessment of potential dangers’ of being involved in the conflict.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

The post DANGEROUS AND IRRESPONSIBLE: France’s Macron Floats the Idea of Sending Troops to Ukraine – European and NATO Leaders Shoot His Lunacy Down appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

