Cue in the AI Humanoids: United Nations Thinks It’s Wise To Ask the Robots About the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence – Organizers Hide the Fact That Answers Were Scripted and Pre-Programmed

The dangers of AI have been outlined by some of the greatest minds in tech and science, and a planetary discussion on the subject is underway.

So, when the globalists from the United Nations decided that they needed to weigh in, the simple and logical step would have been to assemble the aforementioned finest minds for a showdown on the problem ASAP.

But no, U.N.’s International Telecommunication Union had a clever idea: why don’t we ask the AI robots? Yes, you read it right. What could possibly go wrong, right?

Announced as ‘the world’s first news conference featuring humanoid social robots’, it was a frankly creepy display of robots that physically tried to resemble humans, where reporters could ask ‘them’ questions.

Nine robots were displayed, along with some of the people who helped make them, at a podium in a Geneva conference center.

There were some catchy sound bites generated – or if it ‘soundbytes’? – the organizers were not honest about the fact that the answers were scripted and programmed by their creators.

So, in fact, reporters were interviewing the AI robot makers via the robot AI internet data scraping. You can probably guess how that played out.

The Guardian reported:

“Robots have no plans to steal the jobs of humans or rebel against their creators, but would like to make the world their playground, nine of the most advanced humanoid robots have told an artificial intelligence summit in Geneva.

In what was described as “the world’s first human-robot press conference”, one robot, Sophia, said humanoid robots had the potential to lead with “a greater level of efficiency and effectiveness than human leaders” but that “effective synergy” came when humans and AI worked together. “AI can provide unbiased data while humans can provide the emotional intelligence and creativity to make the best decisions. Together, we can achieve great things,” it said.”

Gathered in Switzerland, the organizers had the stated goal to make the case for using AI and robots to help solve the world’s challenges like diseases, hunger, social care.

“It was not clear to what extent the robots’ answers were scripted or pre-programmed. Humans taking part in the conference on Friday were asked to speak slowly and clearly when addressing the robots, and were told that time lags in responses would be because of the internet connection and not the robots themselves. That did not prevent awkward pauses, audio problems and some stilted or inconsistent replies.

Asked by a journalist whether it intended to rebel against its creator, Will Jackson, who was sat beside it, [robot] Ameca said: ‘I’m not sure why you would think that’, its ice-blue eyes flashing. ‘My creator has been nothing but kind to me and I am very happy with my current situation’.”

But some people saw more on Ameca’s answer, as she seemed to pause and ‘appeared to side-eye the reporter’ who asked her the question.

AI robot asked if it would “rebel” against humans

— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) July 8, 2023

Benziga reported:

“The robot noted that its creator has been ‘nothing but kind’ to it and added that it’s ‘very happy’ with its current situation, but its facial expression made the bot appear as if it was irritated by the question.

‘Robots like me can be used to help improve our lives and make the world a better place. I believe it’s only a matter of time before we see thousands of robots just like me out there making a difference’, Ameca said.

So its creator had to remind people that robots don’t have human feelings or emotions. Yes, really.

“In the case of Ameca, it was programmed to look to the side to make it look like it is thinking as a human would before generating a response. The robot’s creator Will Jackson confirmed such in an email to Insider.

‘Language models do not have emotions, or intentions either good or bad. It’s easy to imagine that because the robot appeared to listen, form an answer and then speak that it functions like a human. It does not’, Jackson said.”

The organizers even created a ‘democratic divergence’ between the robots, which is an inevitable byproduct of the different projects and creators. So far, these bots are only mouthpieces for the data you cherry pick for it. Once they can do more than that, it may be too late.

“Two of the humanoids — Ai-Da, a robot artist that can paint portraits and Desdemona, a rock star robot singer in the band Jam Galaxy — had differences of opinions when it came to ‘stricter global regulation of AI and their capabilities’, with Ai-Da saying, ‘Many prominent voices in the world of AI are suggesting some forms of AI should be regulated and I agree. We should be cautious about the future development of AI. Urgent discussion is needed now, and also in the future’, while Desdemona found no issue. ‘I don’t believe in limitations, only opportunities’, the rocker robot said. ‘Let’s explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground’. According to Donna Ferguson, reporter for The Guardian, there was some nervous laughter from the crowd here.”

If all that made you think you’ve lost brain cells by all the stupidity involved, you are not alone. Let’s hope humanity can come together on this issue without the ‘help’ from the nefast UN and its terrible ideas.

The post Cue in the AI Humanoids: United Nations Thinks It’s Wise To Ask the Robots About the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence – Organizers Hide the Fact That Answers Were Scripted and Pre-Programmed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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