Covid jabs ‘lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes’ in those infected with bug

THOSE who catch Covid while jabbed are less likely to have killer heart issues than those who don’t get vaccinated, a study claims.

US researchers have found the jab protects high risk individuals against heart attacks and strokes in the months after infection.

PAThe jab protects high risk individuals against heart attacks and strokes[/caption]

Experts have long feared the virus can cause problems with the heart, with studies showing it can cause the body’s own immune system to attack healthy cells in the muscle.

Patients with severe Covid also get less oxygen in their bloodstream, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood around the body and risking heart failure.

The latest study found that even those who had only received one jab were less likely to have heart issues than those who choose to have none.

While the authors could not explain why jabs reduced the risk of heart disease, they said the study “supports evidence that vaccination may have beneficial effects on a variety of post-Covid-19 complications.

“We hope our findings could help improve vaccination rates, especially in individuals with coexisting conditions,” they added.

It comes as Covid-19 levels are rising in most parts of the UK.

And just last week, the Government stopped offering booster jabs to millions of Brits.

The experts tracked the heart health of almost 2million people – of which 217,843 had received at least one Covid jab.

The paper was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Latest data show Covid infections  are rising in most parts of the UK, the latest sign a new wave of the virus may be under way.

Infections jumped a fifth to 1.2million on any given day in the week up to February 7, according to the Office of National Statistics.

It is the second week in a row the UK-wide total has increased and comes after a steady drop in levels throughout January.

And while immunity from vaccination and natural infection mean less people are suffering severe Covid, hospitalisations breached 900 on February 13 and continue to tick upwards.

Top 20 most common Covid symptoms now

1. Sore throat (found in 57% of cases)

2. Runny nose (57%)

3. Blocked nose (56%)

4. Sneezing (53%)

5. Headache (53%)

6. Cough no phlegm (50%)

7. Cough with phlegm (40%)

8. Hoarse voice 34%)

9. Muscle pain aches (29%)

10. Dizzy (19%)

11. Eye soreness (19%)

12. Fatigue (18%)

13. Swollen glands (17%)

14. Altered smell (17%)

15. Loss of smell (17%)

16. Earache (16%)

17. shortness of breath (14%)

18. Chest pain tightness (13%)

19. Chills or shivers (13%)

20. Joint pain shoulders (11%)

Source: ZOE Health Study

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