Corner shop lady wants sex with me in her holiday cottage but I’m married

DEAR DEIDRE: THE woman who runs our corner shop has offered me sex on a plate – but I’m married, albeit unhappily.

My wife is 45 and I’m 48.

Three years ago she said she no longer loved me and insisted I move to the spare room.

I stayed because of our kids who are 12 and 15.

My wife drinks a lot in the evenings and gets very drunk.

After buying so much wine for my wife in this corner shop, I’ve built up a relationship with the owner.

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I opened up to her.

She is 40 and attractive.

She said I should join her in her holiday cottage “for some fun”.

Do I stay in misery or leave my family and join my new friend for some fun?



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DEIDRE SAYS: Leaving your wife while she drinks to excess will be damaging for your children.

While an affair would certainly be a distraction, it would only delay you from dealing with the main issue – your wife’s drinking.

When she is sober, tell her you are worried about her.

You can both find support through We Are With You (, for people with addictions, their families and friends.

If your wife refuses to get help, consider whether your children are best off in your current family set-up.

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