Conservative Advocacy Group to Target GOP Senators Who Vote Against Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas


Earlier this year, the House of Representatives impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, marking the first cabinet member to be impeached in nearly 150 years and the first sitting cabinet secretary to ever face such charges.

The impeachment, decided by a knife-edge vote of 214 to 213, accuses Secretary Mayorkas of high crimes and misdemeanors, including a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” regarding U.S. border policy and a “breach of public trust.”

This outcome followed a previous tie in the House, partly due to three RINOs, Tom McClintock (CA), Ken Buck (CO), and Mike Gallagher (WI), siding with the Democrats, was broken with the return of Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who cast the deciding vote in favor of impeachment.

Now, as the impeachment process moves to the Senate, Heritage Action, a prominent conservative advocacy group, has announced its intention to target Senate Republicans who have expressed their intention to vote against the impeachment trial of Secretary Mayorkas, the Washington Examiner reported.

Heritage Action, the sister organization of the Heritage Foundation, is gearing up for a vigorous campaign to ensure the trial against Mayorkas proceeds this week.

According to Ryan Walker, the Executive Vice President of Heritage Action, the border crisis, which he attributes to the Biden regime, ranks as the foremost concern among Americans.

Walker criticizes Senate Republicans opposing the impeachment as being “massively out of touch” with their constituents.

The advocacy group has vowed to declare any procedural motion that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduces as a “key vote.”

Furthermore, any Republican voting alongside Democrats to dismiss or table the impeachment trial will face significant backlash, including targeted messaging toward Heritage Action’s two million grassroots supporters. The group emphasizes that such a vote would be seen as a complicit action in Schumer’s “cover-up” and the border crisis itself.

“Anyone who does Schumer’s bidding and votes to dismiss or table will be complicit in his cover-up and the border crisis itself,” Walker said per Newsmax. “Senators who would rather focus on the terrible bills Schumer has put forward instead of holding a trial for Mayorkas cannot be trusted by conservatives. Heritage Action stands with Americans demanding accountability and will key vote any procedural move put forth to sweep the charges against Mayorkas under the rug.”

The impeachment process is anticipated to intensify in the coming days. House Speaker Mike Johnson last month notified Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that the House will deliver the articles of impeachment against DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on Wednesday, April 10.

“Together with the 11 House impeachment managers, I sent a letter to Senator Schumer telling him we’ll deliver the articles of Secretary Mayorkas’ impeachment to the Senate on April 10th and that he must hold a full trial,” Speaker Johnson said.

“The American people deserve accountability,” he added.

Secretary Mayorkas is also slated to appear on Capitol Hill for two congressional hearings regarding his department’s budget, coinciding closely with the initiation of the Senate impeachment proceedings.

The post Conservative Advocacy Group to Target GOP Senators Who Vote Against Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

