Common symptom of menopause can raise risk of heart disease and diabetes

THIS common symptom of menopause can raise risk of heart disease and diabetes – here’s what to look out for.

Changes in mood, skin, sleeping patterns and hot flushes are all well known symptoms of menopause – but one of them could indicate long-term health risks.

GettyWomen with moderate to severe hot flushes were more likely to develop hypertension and metabolic syndrome[/caption]

A study conducted by researchers from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens looked at 825 healthy women aged between 40 and 65.

All participants had recently gone through menopause and were closely monitored across 15 years.

Lead researcher, Dr Elena Armeni, highlighted their findings revealed those with moderate to severe hot flushes were more likely to develop hypertension and metabolic syndrome.

This leads to a higher chance of cardiovascular health risks, and conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels.

Dr Elena Armeni said: “Our study shows that the most symptomatic women after menopause have more prevalent cardiovascular risk factors, but it is unclear if they are also more likely to develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or have a stroke.

“If so, women with more disturbing symptoms will require appropriate health education to ensure they will remain fit and healthy in old age.

“Our results re-emphasize the role of cardiovascular prevention strategies, such as the use of hormone replacement therapy, which should be implemented shortly after menopause.”

The researcher suggested the best treatment for the group of women studied would be hormone replacement therapy.

HRT is prescribed to replace hormones the body stops making when a woman goes through menopause.

It can help alleviate symptoms such as brain fog, low sex-drive, and hair loss.

This research was presented at the 25th European Congress of Endocrinology in Istanbul. 

This comes as other studies have found the earlier women go through the change, the more likely they are to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

And the longer between starting menopause and beginning HRT, the higher the chances.

Dr JoAnn Manson, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said: “When it comes to hormone therapy, timing is everything.”

Dr Rachel Buckley, of Massachusetts General Hospital, said: “HRT is the most reliable way to ameliorate severe menopause symptoms.

“But over the last few decades, there has been a lack of clarity on how HRT affects the brain.

“That tau may underlie the association between late hormone therapy and Alzheimer’s disease was a huge finding, something that hadn’t been seen before.”

Other research into menopause symptoms has seen the study of testosterone patches and their link to boosting low libido.

University of Warwick researchers have invented the patch as before there was only a gel approved for men.

Professor David Haddleton said: “This is a very exciting development for us — the potential of this technology to improve women’s lives is huge.

“This could deliver a product that is much needed and is just not available. 

“With the technology already proven to work we can use our new patch to remove needless misery from women’s daily lives.”

Menopause Symptoms

There are 62 menopause symptoms, according to Dr Naomi Potter. They are…


2. Chest pain

3. Breast tenderness

4. Itchy skin

5. Dry Skin

6. Rosacea

7. Acne

8. Thin skin

9. Collagen loss

10. Crying

11. Brain Fog

12. Memory Loss

13. Poor concentration

14. Word finding difficulty

15. Anxiety

16. Low mood

17. Worsening PMS

18. Anger/ Rage /

19. Irritability

20. Headache

21. Migraines

22. Joint Pain

23. Joint stiffness

24. Vaginal Dryness

25. Vaginal discharge

26. Vulval itch

27. Perineal itch

28. Vulval/ vaginal electric shocks

29. Increase in thrush

30. Increase in BV

31. Poor libido

32.  High libido

33. Weight gain

34. Scalp Hair loss

35. Unwanted Hair growth

36. Urinary Infections

37.  Urinary incontinence

38. Urinary urgency

39. Nocturia (getting up at night)

40. Sexual Dysfunction

41. Chest tightness

42. Constipation

43. Gastric reflux

44. Fatigue

45. Night Sweats

46. Hot flushes

47. Cold flushes

48. Period increased frequency

49. Periods decreased frequency

50. Heavier periods

51. Muscle Loss

52. Tinnitus

53. Dry eyes

54. Watery eyes

55. Burning mouth

56. Gum disease

57. Foot pain

58. Frozen shoulder

59. Insomnia

60. Histamine sensitivity

61. New allergy

62. Body odour change

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