Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially

Globalist poster boy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the climate alarmist policies the signature aspect of his government.

So it’s very embarrassing that these very policies, exemplified by the vastly unpopular ‘carbon tax’, are now one of the most pointed topics generating criticism of his premiership.

It has now arisen that a majority of Canadians want the tax to be scrapped or waived for the next three years.

This follows the announcement last month that ‘a three-year carbon tax exemption for home heating oil’ and a ‘higher carbon tax rebates’ would be implemented, mostly for Atlantic Canada regions amid soaring costs of living.

READ MORE: Canada’s Supreme Court Deals Blow to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Rules That a Federal Climate Alarmist Law Is Unconstitutional

The premiers of other provinces presented an united front demanding similar concessions.

Reuters reported:

“The latest opinion poll from Angus Reid Institute ‘reveals a profound lack of awareness, and misconceptions’ about how much tax Canadians pay, the institute said. The poll showed 42% of Canadians want the carbon tax to be scrapped and a further 17% would like it to be cut temporarily for the next three years, while one-quarter want a freeze in any subsequent increases.

Only 15% said the tax should continue as planned with the scheduled price increase next April. The carbon tax is intended to discourage use of fossil fuels and accelerate a switch to clean energy. But the ongoing cost of living crisis has contributed to an 11-point drop in support for carbon pricing compared to 2021 levels, the poll showed.”

There is still support in the poll for Canada reaching its 2030 ’emission reduction targets’ – as long as it does not sink family economies.

Meanwhile, this situation is yet another issue used by the opposition Conservatives leading in the polls.

“Canada’s opposition Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has long wanted to axe the tax, arguing it is an unfair cost for consumers. Poilievre would clobber Trudeau if an election were held today, polls show. However, a vote is not due until 2025.”

READ MORE: Canada’s Trudeau the Latest Leader to Backtrack and Delay on Climate Alarmist Policies – Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years

It bears reminding that we are tracking this through a prism of MSM papers fully committed to climate alarmism, so this is a testament of how urgent the issue has become.

The Globe and Mail reported:

“As public support for the carbon tax rapidly wanes, amid inflation and stretched personal finances, the challenge of reducing Canada’s voluminous greenhouse gas emissions becomes much more difficult.

It once seemed, in the 2019 and 2021 elections, Canadians backed carbon pricing. But the policy was in its infancy, and the cost was nominal. Now the pinch of a rising carbon tax stings.

New polling shows the shift. Three out of five Canadians want the tax lowered or scrapped. Voters from left to right want more home heating exemptions. Opponents of carbon pricing in British Columbia, home of the country’s first economy-wide carbon tax, outnumber supporters two-to-one.”

Read more:

Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’

The post Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

