Childbirth rate falls to lowest recorded level for women of all backgrounds, study shows

THE childbirth rate has fallen to its lowest recorded level for women from all educational backgrounds, a new study shows.

Over the past decade, women are ­having fewer children and doing so later in life, with better-educated mums now ­waiting even longer for kids, the research found.

Fertility rates have fallen from 1.94 children per women in 2010 to 1.55 in 2021Getty

Fertility rates have fallen from 1.94 children per woman in 2010 to 1.55 in 2021 – with the old era of the 2.4-child family well and truly over.

Experts say the reduced number of children could have a huge impact on taxes – with fewer people of working age around to fund future care and pensions for the elderly.

John Ermisch, emeritus professor at Oxford’s ­Leverhulme Centre, looked not only at the women’s schooling but also at that of their parents.

Less-educated women whose ­parents were also less well ­educated had their children younger than those who did better in their earlier years.

This cohort went from more than two children per woman between 2010 and 2012 to less than two in the three years to 2020.

Professor Ermisch said: “This study is the first to combine both parents’ ­education and a woman’s own education.”

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