Car registration number sold at Dubai charity auction for jaw-dropping amount

An astonishing bid of £12million at an auction in Dubai has made the number plate ‘P7’ the most expensive ever sold.

The sum topped a bidding war for elite car registrations and phone numbers at the auction sale at the Four Seasons hotel in Jumeirah.

P7 is now the most expensive number plate in the worldNewsflash

When the number plate is often more expensive than the actual carNewsflash

The final ‘P7’ bid topped the previous number plate record set in 2008 when a businessman paid £11.4 million for Abu Dhabi‘s ‘1’ plate.

The hammer price shot up through a bidding war between several massively wealthy buyers determined to break the record.

The auction raised nearly £22 million in total, with the proceeds all going to the UAE’s world hunger charity One Billion Meals Campaign.

The sale was organised by Emirates Auction, as well as by Dubai‘s Roads and Transport Authority and the Etisalat and Du Telecoms companies.

A statement from Emirates Auction, obtained by Newsflash, said:

“We are proud to announce that the ‘Most Noble Numbers’ charity auction organised by Emirates Auction has set a new world record and entered the Guinness Book of Records.

“Plate number ‘P7’ was sold for a whopping 55 million dirhem, making it the most expensive number in the world.

“We are thrilled that the proceeds will go directly towards supporting the ‘One Billion Meals Endowment’ campaign, which aims to establish the largest Ramadan sustainable food aid endowment fund.”

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