Brits to spend 146 HOURS with festive lights switched on this month – how to get half-price energy on Christmas Day

BRITS are set to spend 146 hours with the festive lights switched on this month – here’s how to get half-price energy on Christmas Day.

Research commissioned by British Gas has revealed the household behaviours of thousands of people this festive season.

The new study revealed the energy household habits among Brits this month

The poll asked 2,000 people who celebrate this season about their the energy usage habits during December.

The study found Brits will spend 81 hours watching TV, 40 hours cooking, and 155 hours warming up the home this Christmas.

Almost half (49 per cent) will spend more time in front of the television during the festive period compared to the rest of the year, and 47 per cent will do the same when it comes to heating up the home.

More than a third (39 per cent) will typically cook more frequently during the days of the twelfth month, as the season of get togethers, indulging and partying gets underway.

British Gas is now gifting its customers with half price electricity every Sunday this month, including Christmas Day, to help them save on their energy.

Reasons for the increase in these household behaviours are put down to being at home more than usual and spending quality time with family and friends.

Exactly three in 10 often worry about how much energy they are using in the last month of the year, and, as a result, will try and take advantage of off-peak electricity times.

A fifth do this when it comes to using the washing machine, while 10 per cent will take advantage of the hob or microwave during these hours (10pm-8am).

It also emerged 22 per cent set time limits on how long they have the heating on for, and 13 per cent will be strict about the length of time decorative lights are switched on.

In the months after Christmas, 47 per cent say they change their household behaviours in an attempt to balance things out on their energy bills, according to the OnePoll study.

Lighting (55 per cent), the use of hot water (38 per cent), and how often they utilise laundry appliances (39 per cent) are the areas those polled are most cautious about.

British Gas service and repair engineer Sunny Solanky said: “The busy festive period can often mean that households use more energy than the typical month in December, but there are ways people can ensure their homes are energy efficient.

“From being smart about using your Christmas lights to thinking about your cooking options, there are a few easy tips we can share to help people enjoy their festivities while also doing what they can to keep their energy usage lower.”

The study was commissioned by British Gas


1. Shine bright but not all night – use a plug-in timer to avoid consuming too much extra energy. If you are planning to go big on Christmas lights, check you’re using the most energy efficient bulbs – low-energy LED lights use 90 per cent less energy and last much longer than older versions.

2. Quick cook fabulous festive feasts – when feeding smaller groups, consider using a pressure cooker or air fryer for your festive feast as it’s quicker and more efficient than an oven. If you are using an oven, resist opening the door during cooking to avoid letting the heat escape as significant energy is used to bring it back up to temperature.

3. Check bills are in good ‘elf’ – it’s always worth looking into special offers that could save you a considerable amount of money, especially during the festive season. With Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve falling on a Sunday this year, you can save a significant amount on your energy bills when preparing for celebrations.

