BREAKING – WATCH LIVE: RINOs and Democrats Vote to Expel George Santos From Congress Over Allegations – Unlike Convicted Criminal Jamaal Bowman

George Santos ridicules Jamaal Bowman’s bogus fire alarm story

RINOs and Democrats in Congress are scheduled to vote on a third resolution to expel Congressman George Santos (R-NY) this morning.

The New York Republican has one of the strongest conservative voting records of any freshman Republican entering Congress. They’ve been gunning for him since discovering that he misrepresented his resumé while running for office — as all politicians and Democrats do.

On Thursday, the Gateway Pundit reported that Congressman George Santos (R-NY) filed a resolution to expel Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) for pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building to delay a Congressional Proceeding.

PAYBACK: New York Congressman George Santos Introduces Resolution to Expel Jamaal Bowman for Obstructing Congressional Proceeding with Fire Alarm Stunt (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit reported on Bowman’s successful efforts to obstruct an official government proceeding in late September “as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” according to a spokesperson. Bowman was caught pulling the fire alarm in the Cannon Building to shut down Congress and prevent a critical vote to keep the government open.

Capitol Police evacuated the building due to the seemingly intentional false alarm, and Bowman was only convicted of a misdemeanor for obstructing a Congressional proceeding. He was ordered to pay just $1,000 in fines, serve three months probation before charges are dismissed, and write a letter of apology to Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger. Meanwhile, January 6 defendants are still rotting in the gulags for walking into the Capitol — escorted by police!

Like many Americans, Santos thinks Bowman “should have gotten the same treatment” as the January 6 protesters, who received years in prison.

Instead, last Wednesday, the House Ethics Committee voted against opening an investigation into Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman after they went after Rep. George Santos. Now, the RINOs and Democrats are trying to expel the New York Republican from Congress. However, Santos is not backing down.

Santos told reporters in a press conference yesterday, “Now, you no longer have to be convicted. So, long as there are enough allegations, there is enough precedent now to expel other members.” When asked by The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson whether Republicans will take advantage of this precedent, Santos replied, “They don’t have the testicular fortitude. I wish they did, but they don’t.” He then asked the group of reporters, “Why hasn’t it been done before?”

Santos also stated that he had called multiple people, and only one unnamed Congressman was willing to bring an expulsion resolution against Bowman. The feckless Republicans will eat their own before standing up to Democrats.

Via Democratic Whip Katherine Clark:

The House has begun one hour of debate on S.J.Res. 32 – Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Relating to ‘‘Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B).”

After debate on S.J. Res. 32, the House will take votes. These will be the last votes of the week.

Next/Last votes predicted: at approximately 10:15 – 10:30 a.m., on passage ofS.J.Res. 32 and adoption of H.Res. 878 – Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the United States House of Representatives.

The vote on the expulsion of Rep. Santos is expected to be held at approximately 10:30 am ET.

Watch live below:

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates and names of the weak Republicans who turn on Santos.

The post BREAKING – WATCH LIVE: RINOs and Democrats Vote to Expel George Santos From Congress Over Allegations – Unlike Convicted Criminal Jamaal Bowman appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

