BREAKING: Trump White House Official Confirms Knowledge of Muskegon, Michigan Voter Fraud Report in 2020 – THERE MAY HAVE AN ARREST? – BILL BARR ALLEGEDLY KILLED IT

On Thursday former Trump administration General Counsel Personnel Police Operations Andrew Kloster joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the Muskegon, Michigan 2020 voter fraud scandal.

Andrew Kloster said he notified Bill Barr’s DOJ – and Barr and his cronies smacked him down and killed the investigation.

The Gateway Pundit journalists Patty McMurray and Ben Wetmore have extensively reported on this scandal all week.

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On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit broke a BLOCKBUSTER REPORT on 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

The investigation had been buried by politicians, government investigators and the press.

On October 8, 2020, only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female, whose name was later redacted from the police report, dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office. Clerk Meisch immediately noticed that the stacks of registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.

During their investigation, the state police discovered the women worked for GBI Strategies. This was included in their police report. The group had temporary offices in numerous Michigan locations. The police also identified Gary Bell as the head of the organization.

When the police inspected the GBI Strategies office near Muskegon they found semiautomatic guns, silencers/suppressors, burner phones, a bag of pre-paid cash cards, and incomplete registrations, in an office space that was styled as an eyeglasses store that had gone defunct.

There were never any arrests. And the investigation was turned over to the FBI where it went to die, just like all of the other Democrat voter fraud investigations. Back in November 2020 Bill Barr appointed a notorious DOJ attorney who covered up voter fraud crimes.

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Now This — Andrew Kloster spoke with Steve Bannon on Thursday. He was notified of the scandal when he was in the Trump White House — BUT BILL BARR KILLED IT!

This was an amazing development!

Steve Bannon: Tell me your story related to this situation that’s come up the last couple of days, a Gateway Pundit breaking this story on the situation in Michigan about these applications, voter registration applications in Michigan. Can you walk me through your knowledge of this?

Andrew Kloster: So it was kind of funny. I saw GBI Strategies on a Tweet, and I immediately went down the rabbit hole because it brought back a lot of memories of the waning days of the Trump administration. So this was right before the election, 2020. I was in the White House. I was also at the Office of Personnel Management. So I was like the main personnel attorney, government-wide and hatchet man and all of that. And I did a lot of spot projects and fixing just generally across the admin on behalf of the president and his agenda…  I’ve been in the movement for a long time. I was at Heritage. I’ve worked with lots of people at the state level. I did the Wisconsin investigation for Gableman. So I have a wide network. And I got a call basically saying, look, I’ve got a spooked law enforcement senior guy, been there like 20 years, unimpeachable record out in Muskegon, Michigan, and he’s got a story that we think is worth looking into. And that’s exactly what Gateway Pundit is talking about. So I can confirm a lot of the details and give you some more.

What ended up happening is my understanding, I reached out and spoke with some local law enforcement. What happened was there was a woman, my understanding is basically loitering outside of a dropbox all day, and she gets picked up by a junior guy and arrested because he’s like, what are you doing? You’re stuffing this box. What’s going on? So they arrest her, and she basically spills the beans. She’s a democratic operative. She’s got filled-out ballots, like 7000 is what I was hearing, and they arrested her. Now, the senior guy, my understanding was off at the time. So the junior guy who picked her up, got her statement and released her, and she went back to Detroit… She went back to Detroit. The senior guy comes back in the next day or later in the day and says, what the know? You had her dead to rights. Why did you release her? And starts trying to get an extradition order from Detroit, because this is before the election. We’re hearing there could be voter fraud. And here you’ve got someone basically copping to it and caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Detroit doesn’t give an extradition order, and the next thing you know, everyone clams up and I’m hearing, well, Benson’s leaning on people threatening jobs. So when I hear this in the, you know, we’ve got our eyes out, at least the loyal ones, I try to raise a red flag. I do a little bit of light reaching out, not to disrupt anything, but just to kind of vet and make sure that I’m dealing with people who aren’t lying and people who are credible.

And then I try to reach out to different components within the Trump administration to this. There’s at least probable cause? Now, I’m an attorney, I’ve worked on some criminal stuff. There’s at least probable cause here. Someone should take a look, talk with the relevant law enforcement and figure out what happened here. Because just as what happened with you know, you’ve got someone basically copping to voter fraud and, you know, you get the whole story and then the next thing you know they’re out in Jamaica or whatever. The Dems have found the person, co opted them, told them to shut up and then plugged all the leaks.

There were basically, my understanding, was there were standing orders not to deal with election matters, both from the White House Council and from Barr. I happened to know Barr’s Chief of Staff, Will Levi, because I had worked at Heritage and ran into him at a lunch basically for Senate staffers. And he had been a Senate counsel when I was there. So I knew him. I called him up and tried to put the flag up into the voting rights section, CRD-DOJ and White House Counsel in a couple different places and got stiff-armed. And then later on hear from Johnny and others that basically then the White House counsel swoops in and starts screaming, what the hell are you guys doing? So that’s really the nuts and bolts of it.

We cannot confirm or deny Andrew’s appearance on Steve Bannon today.  We hope to get commentary from all of those involved.

** The Gateway Pundit is relying on the police report until we can confirm this new information and other tips.

So Bill Barr was not interested! Barr was in on it.

We’ve heard this a lot about Bill Barr.

The post BREAKING: Trump White House Official Confirms Knowledge of Muskegon, Michigan Voter Fraud Report in 2020 – THERE MAY HAVE AN ARREST? – BILL BARR ALLEGEDLY KILLED IT appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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