BRAVE NEW WORLD: Elitist Media Doctor and COVID Vaccine Promoter Peter Hotez Says Science Should Not Be Debated – Then Plays Victim

Dr. Peter Hotez is making headlines this week for refusing to debate author and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge Hotez has lashed out at Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan who has invited RFK Jr. on his show several times.

Hotez is unwilling to defend his record or the “science” behind the COVID vaccines.

On Sunday night Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”

Hotez demands you respect him but he is too lazy to defend his theories against attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. According to Hotez – “science” should not be challenged.

Hotez is a flake. Kennedy would tear him apart.

That’s a fact.

Maybe this is why people have questions about your credibility. You can debate RFK to clear your name

— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) June 20, 2023

— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) June 20, 2023

Hotez is a flake. Take that to the bank.

Too wonderful for words, thank you @MarkHamill you just brought some joy in my life and for my family

— Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) June 19, 2023

We wrote about this guy years ago when he was getting millions from Fauci in grant money with Chinese scientists.

FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

The post BRAVE NEW WORLD: Elitist Media Doctor and COVID Vaccine Promoter Peter Hotez Says Science Should Not Be Debated – Then Plays Victim appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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