BOOM! President Trump: “Frankly His Boss, Barack Hussein Obama–I Think it’s His Boss!” – Trump Tells New Hampshire Crowd That Obama is Controlling Biden (VIDEO)

President Trump on Monday called the Obama/Biden Regime out in New Hampshire, telling his massive crowd he thinks Biden’s puppetmaster is Barack Hussein Obama.

We all know this is likely the case. Joe Biden can’t even control his bowels, balance, direction, or his speech. We all know Biden is a puppet and somewhat of a body double for the man behind the curtain.

Braindead Biden has also made statements revealing this is the case, like when he says he’ll get in trouble if he goes off script or when he referred to himself as Obama’s Vice President.

President Trump took the stage in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, where he is dominating in primary polls, at 12 pm ET to thousands of excited voters. Watch President Trump’s speech here:

WATCH LIVE NOW: THOUSANDS TURN OUT at 6 AM for President Trump’s Rally in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire – Trump Took The Stage at 12 PM ET

The current times are reminiscent of the Obama days too, as we fund terrorism in the Middle East.

As Arizona’s rightful Attorney General Abe Hamadeh noted, Barack Hussein has not condemned Hamas’ violent invasion of Israel after the US gave $6 billion to Iran. The move by Iran and its proxy army has been widely condemned by American leaders but celebrated by American leftists and Jihadists.

You mean Hussein?

— Jordan Conradson (@ConradsonJordan) October 8, 2023

The last time the US gave stacks of money to Iran, during the Obama years, Iran launched a massive military build-up.

This time, it took four weeks before Iran’s proxy army in Gaza launched a historic military assault on Israel on the Sabbath. The Jerusalem Post is now reporting that the Taliban has requested free passage across Iran to assist Hamas in Gaza in its war on Israel.

The OBiden Regime’s mess will be much harder to clean up this time. And who knows what threats the United States faces from within after they invited millions of illegal immigrants from hundreds of nations, including known and suspected terrorists, into our country?

Trump was on fire today. He also told the crowd that he plans to take on the big banks who are “discriminating against conservatives.” Trump will exterminate the Deep State Swamp and expose the Biden Regime in his second term!


“They discriminate against conservatives. You do know that right?”

“We’re gonna stop that real fast”@realDonaldTrump calls out @BankofAmerica & @Chase for discriminatory lending practices targeting conservatives@gatewaypundit

— Jordan Conradson (@ConradsonJordan) October 9, 2023

President Trump proclaimed, “It’s never been worse than it is now under Crooked Joe Biden, and frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama—I think it’s his boss.

Watch more below:

President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first. He puts Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first! Environmental lunatics and maniacs first. These are maniacs, these people. I don’t know if they really believe it, or is it just something to hurt our country? Everyone else is first. He puts America last. He puts our workers last….

I say a lot of times, it’s like April Fool’s Day. Open border. Who wants an open border? Only stupid people. Who wants not to have voter ID? “We will not have voter ID.” You know, for their convention, the Democrat convention, they had a voter ID that was the size of this…. It hung with a chain around the neck. It was a picture. I think it had every bit of information ever. You could read their biography, know everything about the person. They couldn’t get into the convention without it, but to go to vote, we don’t want voter ID? Actually, the Democrats want it. It’s the leadership that doesn’t. And there is to know want it is because they want to cheat. That is very simple. There’s only one reason I put America first every single time.

The post BOOM! President Trump: “Frankly His Boss, Barack Hussein Obama–I Think it’s His Boss!” – Trump Tells New Hampshire Crowd That Obama is Controlling Biden (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

