Boom! Jim Jordan Reveals He Has Evidence Connecting the Biden Campaign to the Bogus Letter Which Called Hunter’s Laptop Russian Disinformation

Jim Hoft previously reported 51 former intelligence officials in October 2020 signed and published a letter that baselessly decried the contents of Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell’ had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The deep state stooges claimed the laptop looked like Russian disinformation without citing any actual evidence to back up the claim. Rather, the officials based their fallacious statements on their so-called experience.

Reporters led by Natasha Bertrand, who wrote the original Politico article citing the intelligence officials, knew the officials’ claims were completely false yet they chose to gaslight the public anyway.

Joe Biden also lied about his son’s laptop during a debate.

Now Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has uncovered bombshell information related to letter. He revealed in an interview to Just the News that he has evidence linking the Biden campaign to the bogus document.

He said he was able to obtain this information via two former CIA officials from the Obama regime. These individuals are former acting Director Mike Morrell and Nick Shapiro, a former adviser to ex-Director John Brennan.

Just the News reported:

Aided by two Obama-era witnesses, congressional investigators led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan have developed the first evidence that a letter from security experts that falsely dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation during the 2020 election had ties to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Jordan told Just the News he expects to release a report from the House panel on weaponization of government later this month that lays out out evidence and the players behind the letter, which many Republicans now say was a consequential interference in the last presidential election.

“It was all done with politics, and it looks like there was some some real connections with the Biden campaign,” Jordan said during an interview late last week on the John Solomon Reports podcast, declining to be more specific because there are more witness interviews being conducted this week.

Jordan said his investigators have derived valuable information from transcribed interviews from two former CIA officials from the Obama era: former acting Director Mike Morrell and Nick Shapiro, a former adviser to ex-Director John Brennan.

“It seems to me that one of the key players here was Michael Morell, that he was one kind of coordinating this, working this together,” Jordan said. “And then there are a few other folks. We have talked to Nick Shapiro. Mr. Shapiro, I think, was the one kind of coordinating the outreach to the legacy media and how they wanted this story presented.”

Jordan said the specific ties to the Biden campaign will be divulged in the interim report after additional transcribed interviews are completed.

The post Boom! Jim Jordan Reveals He Has Evidence Connecting the Biden Campaign to the Bogus Letter Which Called Hunter’s Laptop Russian Disinformation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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