IF you looked outside of your window on Wednesday 30 August, you would have been treated to a very rare sight – the super Blue Moon 2023.
The stunning lunar event was the culmination of two Super Moons in the same month – the first full moon of this year falling on August 1.
GettyThe Blue moon is a rare lunar spectacle[/caption]
And while it has earned the title ‘Blue Moon’, the rare spectacle actually has nothing to do with its colour.
Instead, the term originates from the saying ‘once in a blue moon’, which is used to indicate something that doesn’t happen very often.
According to BBC’s Newsround: “We typically have 12 full moons each year, with each of these having their own name, such as Strawberry Moons, Harvest Moons or Worm Moons.
“But Blue Moons are a bit different. The cycle of the Moon – the time it takes to go through its different phases – takes 29.5 days to complete.
“This means that 12 full cycles take 354 days, which is less than the 365 days (or 366 days) in our calendar year.
“This 13th full moon of the year does not fit with the normal naming scheme, so is instead referred to as a Blue Moon.”
Since images of the Blue Moon flooded the internet, it’s also emerged that Wednesday’s moon was approximately 222,043 miles away – and therefore appeared 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than usual.
And it’s been stated that the next super blue moon won’t happen again for another decade, as it’s thought to be August 2032.
But what is the spiritual meaning of 2023’s Blue Moon – and what does it mean for your zodiac sign?
What is the spiritual meaning of August 2023’s Blue Moon?
As with anything to do with the moon, astrologers have been quick to speak about the lunar effects of the Blue Moon.
According to astrologer Catherine Gerdes, the full moon will be in Pisces – and has a deep impact on all of us.
She explained: “In the sign of Pisces, this intuitive, mystical full moon is connected to the pineal gland, and we’re likely to feel more sensitive.”
She continued to Bustle that this could very well mean that because of the rarity of the event, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to “encounter a more random, serendipitous event.”
She then said: “This is a wonderful time to create and Saturn encourages incorporating structure through putting words to paper or brushes to canvas.”
Blue Moons are a bit different
What does the Blue Moon mean for my zodiac sign?
ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 20)
This is a serious time of self-reflection for Aries, as you’re supposed to listen to your inner voice and follow a hunch. Astrologer Kyle Thomas told MSN that the full moon is your chance to “tap into your innate psychic abilities and intuition.”
TAURUS (APR 21 – MAY 21)
The full moon marks an exciting time to socialise, as, according to Thomas, “this lunation spotlights your social network and connections.” And now your friendships are centre stage, Outlook India says it’s time to “seek out enriching and nurturing social circles.”
August’s full moon could lead to a huge change in Gemini’s career path. While Thomas predicts: “This lunation spotlights your professional world and could bring a promotion, award, accolade or new job offer”, others have warned there could be challenges ahead to overcome.
Cancerians may well be focused on travel for the foreseeable, as Pisces’ influence helps to expand your horizons – whether literally or metaphorically. According to astrologer Kyle Thomas, this lunar event “could propel you to swim into new territory.”
LEO (JULY 23 – AUG 23)
Intimacy is key for Leo’s right now, as they’re encouraged to embrace new bonds and relationships – particularly if romantic. Thomas adds: “You’ll be feeling quite sensual and intimate near this time.”
VIRGO (AUG 24 – SEPT 22)
Due to the extra Mercury retrograde, Virgos may face a few stumbling blocks – particularly concerning their love life. According to astrologer Kyle Thomas it could be a time of celebration for a “big turning point”, but couples could also end up going their separate ways if “not aligned.”
LIBRA (SEPT 23 – OCT 23)
Libras need to take control of their work-life balance near the full-moon to avoid burnout. So as well as making sure you set some time aside for self-care, Thomas suggested that now is the time to look at workload and what is serving you.
The super moon sparks “boundless creativity” according to Outlook India – and that comes in many forms. Thomas explained: “Romance, passion, pleasure, art, beauty and fertility all shine at this time. Singles may find a soulmate connection or even fall in love.”
The lunar event could be a turning point when it comes to family and home concerns. Whereas some astrologers say it’s a great time for a “home refresh”, others said it could signal a big move.
If you’ve got something to say, say it loud and proud. That’s because education and intellect is at the forefront. Thomas advises: “With this lunation energising your mind, you could be debuting or working on a major intellectual, writing, speaking, advertising, branding or communications-related project.”
Your bank balance could be about to receive a healthy boost – but make sure you’re mindful of what you do with it. Meanwhile, other astrologers have suggested this is also a month for other breakthroughs.
PISCES (FEB 19 – MAR 20)
Pisces are in control in the aftermath of the Blue Moon. Astrologer Kyle Thomas confirmed this to MSN when he wrote: “Now is the moment to step into your power, assert yourself and show everyone why you’re so beautiful, magical and unique.”
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