Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks To All-Time Low

Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen to an all-time low as former President Donald Trump continues to trounce the ailed, installed leader of the Democrat Party in a hypothetical head-to-head 2024 matchup.

A Wall Street Journal poll released Saturday shows Trump leading Biden 47 percent to 43 percent in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup between only those two candidates.

Voters also gave Biden record-low approval ratings. Just 23 percent of respondents said Biden’s policies have personally helped them, while 53 percent said they have been hurt by Biden’s policies.

Approximately half of those surveyed said Trump’s policies have helped them personally while 37 percent said they were harmed by the former president’s policies.

The poll also shows Biden trailing in a hypothetical ballot among five independent candidates by 37 percent to 31 percent.

As Fox News reports:

Biden’s overall job performance garnered only 37% approval from survey respondents as well, a new low for the WSJ poll.

Meanwhile, 61% of respondents see his overall image in an unfavorable light, which is a record high for the poll.

The president also compared unfavorably to Trump when it comes to most issues, with a majority of respondents saying Trump was better suited for the economy, inflation, and border security.

Trump also garnered higher marks than Biden on crime and ability to handle the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Meanwhile, Biden only topped Trump on abortion and setting a better tone in politics.

Biden’s dismal approval ratings are still remarkably high amid the unprecedentedly high rates of inflation, soaring gas prices, his deteriorating health, continuous funding for wars in Ukraine and Israel and the murderous Covid mandates among a litany of failing policies under his administration that have taken the lives of millions.

While no Republican has fared better with Black voters than Richard Nixon, who managed 18 percent in his ‘72 re-election campaign, 20 percent of black voters would consider voting for Donald Trump if the presidential election were held today, according to a recent NBC News poll.

WATCH: Black Lives Matter Leader Sees the Light and Reveals Why He is Backing Donald Trump for President Next Year

Many, including Trump, suspect these polls forecasting the turnout of these elections are bogus.

If these surveys were an accurate evaluation of public perception, Trump would likely be leading Biden in the polls by double digits as an increasing number of Black and Hispanic voters denounce the Democrat Party and throw their support behind Trump.

Even in the Bronx, the bluest of New York City boroughs where Biden allegedly won  83 percent of the Bronx vote in 2020, residents surveyed on the street were resoundingly pro-Trump.


Former President Donald Trump is picking up support in The Bronx, one of New York City’s bluest areas. NEWSMAX correspondent Cara Castronuova spoke with residents to find out why.@CaraCastronuova

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) November 30, 2023

Biden might be struggling with groups that have traditionally sided with Democrats, including young Latino and Black Americans.

There are real problems facing our country and the Democrats have no answer. You cna’t try to trick a guy who has paid $125 to fill up his truck you can’t trick a woman who can’t afford to buy food for her children because the prices have trippled.

The post Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks To All-Time Low appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

