BEYOND PARODY: Allies of New Chicago Mayor Release Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’

The political allies of Brandon Johnson, the far-left mayor elect of Chicago, have released an economic plan for the city and it’s called ‘First We Get the Money.’

You couldn’t make this up.

Naturally, the plan involves the implementation of new taxes.

Progressive allies of Mayor Brandon Johnson have released a financial blueprint titled – and I’m not joking – “First We Get the Money” calling for $12 billion in new taxes, including:

“Head tax” of $33 per worker for companies with 50+ employees

Quadrupling the tax on jet fuel.…

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) May 17, 2023

Stephen Green of PJ Media has more:

Insanity Wrap: Who Wants to Help Me Watch Chicago Commit Suicide?

You’ve got to appreciate brand-spankin’ new Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson for being so forthright about what he intends to do to his struggling city. Johnson promised at his inauguration on Monday to “build a Chicago that means our economy gets to grow by rerouting the rivers of prosperity to the base of disinvestment,” whatever that means, “So that no one goes thirsty.”

What it really means is new and higher taxes, and Johnson’s “progressive” allies, Saqib Bhatti and Gabriela Noa Betancourt, stepped immediately into action, releasing a fiscal blueprint for the city called “First We Get the Money.”

The name was chosen by the Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE) policy organization after “Pay Up, Sucka” scored slightly lower with focus groups.

The package includes a metric butt-ton of new spending, naturally, but it’s the $12 billion in new taxes that will make people scream in agony. For reference, Chicago’s “historic” “recovery” budget last year was “just” $16.7 billion.

How is this real?

Love the inadvertently perfect graphic of a pile of crumpled bills just waiting to be set on fire

— Nan Hayworth, M.D. (@NanHayworth) May 17, 2023

Will the last person to leave Chicago please turn out the lights?

The post BEYOND PARODY: Allies of New Chicago Mayor Release Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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