Behind-the-scenes pictures reveal how travel influencer holiday posts are a total sham

A COUPLE of travel influencers have revealed the much less glamorous side of their job, showing why it’s not always such a dream profession.

Influencers are paid to show off how wonderful their holidays are on social media, but things aren’t always what they seem.

tiktok/theloverspassportThe pair had to get up at 2am to take photos of them looking at stars[/caption]

Giselle and Stephen run the Tiktok account @TheLoversPassport where they show off all their best travel content.

However, from time to time, they also offer their 300,000 followers a peak behind the curtain at how their inspirational viral content is created.

One video shows Stephen getting up early on board a cruise ship to get the perfect shot of him alone in a pool at sunrise.

The resulting picture looks beautiful, but in order to get it, the pair had to rise at 6am and race out onto the deck of the ship, with Giselle still in her pyjamas.

Meanwhile, no other passengers could be seen on board the ship, presumably they were all still fast asleep enjoying a holiday lie-in.

The video has been seen more than 3 million times, with some people saying it makes the job look much worse than it first appears.

tiktok/theloverspassportThe couple had to run through a cruise ship at 6am to get a sunrise picture[/caption]

One wrote: “People claim they want this until it’s an early morning alarm.”

A second added: “I’m not running anywhere. 6am sleep is the best time for sleep.”

However, 6am wasn’t the only early morning photo shoot the couple showed to their followers, nor was it the earliest.

Another video showed the pair getting up at 2am to take pictures of them looking at stars.

The couple are seen looking at stars with head torches on in spectacular looking photographs, but in order to get the pictures, they had to get up at 2am and trek to find the perfect spots.

One follower described their trek through the dark as having “Major Blair Witch Project vibes”.

Another person said they thought they were going to be “attacked by a snake or coyote” when they tried to take similar photos.

tiktok/theloverspassportThe pair also had to rely on other people to get photos of them ‘alone’[/caption]

Another video showed the efforts the pair go to in order to get the perfect shot.

Footage of them kissing on a balcony overlooking a stunning view in Switzerland looked amazing, but the pair also showed how they had to get a third person involved to capture it.

Their friend is seen walking away from a crowd of other tourists, following the pair as they make their way to the viewpoint.

The photo looks like no one else was there at the time, but in reality, they were far from alone.

One follower who’d had similar difficulties at the same place commented: “Getting pics and videos was rough there!”

Meanwhile, this travel blogger revealed how much hard work goes into making a living from the profession.

And this travel influencer was caught faking photographs on her social media channels.

tiktok/theloverspassportThe photos came out beautifully but some say it’s not worth the hassle[/caption]  Read More 
