Ayesha Curry Talks New Year Fitness Goals: “I Want to Feel Strong in My Skin”

Ayesha Curry might be an author, entrepreneur, mom of three, and half of a true celeb power couple with husband Stephen Curry, but she has thoughts on New Year’s resolutions just like the rest of us. Namely, that they’re not *really* her thing, at least not in the traditional sense.

Curry is more of a “monthly resolution type of girl,” she recently told People, because it’s easier to keep track of her small wins that way (instead of only “counting” the big, end-of-year accomplishments). One of her main goals for January? To “build a little bit of lean muscle,” she says, explaining that, after a weight-loss journey in 2022, “I want to feel strong in my skin.”

While going after fitness goals will always challenge you physically, they can also bring up some tough mental obstacles, which Curry is well-acquainted with. She said she’s struggled with comparing herself to others, including her NBA-player husband.

“I’m married to a high-performance athlete who does it all,” noted Curry, who’s partnering with MyFitnessPal for the app’s Jumpstart Your Health Challenge. “And I think I had to be honest with myself and realize that I can’t do that and I don’t have to do that to see the results that I want to see.” She described it as an “inner competition” that she could never win, which left her feeling defeated. “I think I had to take a second, take a deep breath and just realize, do what you can and that’s enough,” she said.

For example, “the more aggressive high intensity workouts don’t actually work for me,” Curry said, adding that that hiking, jogging, or getting in a 20-minute Pilates or yoga workout was what actually helped her continue to pursue her fitness goals. So has accepting her limits and taking rest days when needed. “You might have a day where it doesn’t feel great and it’s not working and that’s okay,” Curry explained. “But know that any step, whether big or small, is a step in the right direction.”

Remembering that you don’t have to compare yourself to others is also key, especially because, as Curry told POPSUGAR last year, we never really know the full story of what others are going through. “I feel like we have access to seeing so many different things and seeing people’s happiest upon happiest of moments that we forget everybody’s real and has real things going on,” she says. “Not everything is always 100 percent, and that’s OK – you are enough even when your tank’s not necessarily full.” Apply that Ayesha Curry-approved wisdom to your fitness goals, daily outlook, and yearly (or monthly) resolutions as you see fit.

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