Arizona RINO and Failed Primary Candidate Karrin Taylor Robson Endorses Liberal Against Conservative Sam Stone In Runoff Election for Phoenix City Council – ELECTION TODAY

The runoff election for District 6 Phoenix City Councilman is today, March 14, and RINO Karrin Taylor Robson has endorsed the liberal Kevin Robinson, a non-Phoenix resident, against conservative Sam Stone, who worked to save Arizona from radical leftists as Kari Lake’s policy advisor.

Robinson is also endorsed by radical leftist Mayor Kate Gallego, who is currently leading Phoenix to ruin.

Robson was previously endorsed by Doug Ducey and Mike Pence in her failed bid for the Republican Arizona Governor nominee. She is now being considered as a potential 2024 US Senate Candidate.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Robson’s anti-American liberal record, including her support for leftist politicians and policies like gun control, COVID lockdowns or mandates, and transgender restrooms.

Leftist Hack reporter Jeremy Duda recently tweeted on the news about Robson’s endorsement.

These are the same people who attacked Kari Lake for voting for Obama over a RINO presidential candidate ages ago. They are hypocrites and liars.

Lake shared her endorsement of Sam Stone and gave voters a list of polling locations. “There’s still time to help save the city council from falling under the complete control of the radical left,” tweeted Lake.

I know that Phoenix District Six deserves policies, not platitudes.

That’s why @samthepol has my complete endorsement.

There’s still time to help save the city council from falling under the complete control of the radical left.

Here’s when and where you can vote:

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 13, 2023

Find where you can vote

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 14, 2023

Stone tweeted that Phoenix will turn into LA with its already massive homelessness crisis if his radical opponent is elected today.

Do you want to live in LA? If not, I need your vote today.
Polls are open until 7 o’clock tonight.

Find a voting center near you:

— Sam Stone (@SamThePol) March 14, 2023

I have a question for the 30,000 Republicans who have yet to vote in the #Phoenix District 6 race…

Do you want to live in LA?


You have 24 hours to prove it

For polling locations go to

— Sam Stone (@SamThePol) March 14, 2023

Stone also says he actually lives in Phoenix, unlike Robinson, who apparently lives in Scottsdale.

Kevin Robinson lives in Scottsdale

I live in Orangedale

Only one of those is in #PhxD6 #NotMrRobinsonsNeighborhood #SamFor6

— Sam Stone (@SamThePol) February 11, 2023

Get out and vote today!

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on the election and any potential cheating involved.

The post Arizona RINO and Failed Primary Candidate Karrin Taylor Robson Endorses Liberal Against Conservative Sam Stone In Runoff Election for Phoenix City Council – ELECTION TODAY appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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