Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Poses With Fake Black Activist Rachel Dolezal as She Signs EO Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination While Gas Nears $5/Gallon and Border Remains WIDE OPEN

Racist Katie Hobbs runs from black reporter RC Maxwell

Twice-convicted racist Katie Hobbs signed her ninth Executive Order last week titled “Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination,” a clear virtue signal to distract from her past racism and not what Arizona needs.

Today, I signed an Executive Order prohibiting race-based hair discrimination for state employees and contractors. Black women, men, and children should be able to wear their natural hair with pride and without the fear of discrimination. #ArizonaForEveryone #Hobbs100

— Governor Katie Hobbs (@GovernorHobbs) March 17, 2023

Even worse, Hobbs surrounded herself with people of color–including fake black Rachel Dolezal in a wig, the former president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP who faked being black for years–at the signing ceremony to make herself look good. After years of embracing slavery and abusing black employees, Hobbs is now using black people to boost her image.

National Review reported,

Some, like University of Miami law professor Osamudia James, have condemned Dolezal for faking “a black identity to gain status and influence in a community that isn’t hers.” Dolezal, the argument goes, hasn’t fully lived the black experience; her claim to black identity is therefore a performance, which can only compound and reify stereotypes. Dolezal, in other words, isn’t a liar, but she is a fake.

As noted by Arizona Informer on Twitter, “Rachel ‘Blackface’ Dolezal” was literally cut out of the photo posted to Katie Hobbs’ Twitter!

Why was Rachel “Blackface” Dolezal cut out of @GovernorHobbs photo op for the sighing of this woke Executive Order?

— Arizona Informer (@AZInformer) March 18, 2023

Liberal pro-abortion activist Chris Love, who previously called for violence after SCOTUS ignored emergency requests to block the Texas Heartbeat Law, called out the hypocrisy on Twitter.

Going back to sleep so I can start this day over without waking up to a picture of Rachel Dolezal on the 9th floor.

— Chris Love (@LegallyLove) March 18, 2023

The full Executive Order can be read below:

WHEREAS, ensuring an Arizona for everyone requires that every Arizonan should have the opportunity to work without fear of discrimination; and

WHEREAS, race-based hair discrimination, including the denial of employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles, must stop; and

WHEREAS, the 2023 CROWN Workplace Research Study found that approximately two-thirds of Black women (66%) change their hair for a job interview; and

WHEREAS, Black women with coily or textured hair are twice as likely to experience  discrimination in the workplace than Black women with straighter hair; and

WHEREAS, Black children encounter racism in school with one in two Black children reported as having experienced hair discrimination as early as five years old; and

WHEREAS, Black People have been forced to cut their hair, or have had their hair cut for them, in places of education, sports, and other such venues; and

WHEREAS, Black women, men, and children should be able to wear their natural hair with pride and without the fear of discrimination.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Katie Hobbs, Governor of the State of Arizona, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Arizona Constitution and the laws of this State, do hereby:

Direct the Department of Administration to establish procedures no later than June 1, 2023 to secure the following protections for employment opportunity:

Ensure, in accordance with all existing federal, state, and local laws, rules, policies, or executive orders, that such policies as are adopted or reinforced pursuant to Executive Order 2023-01 for all State Agencies expressly prohibit discrimination based on hair texture and protective styles, such as braids, locs, twists, knots, and headwraps, in the workplace to safeguard against discrimination based on all race-based hairstyles. These policies should not supersede health and safety standards that are required for operational purposes.

Include provisions in all new state contracts or subcontracts, in accordance with all existing federal, state, and local laws, rules, policies, or executive orders to prohibit discrimination based on hair texture and protective styles, such as braids, locs, twists, knots, and headwraps, in the workplace to ensure protection against discrimination based on all race-based hairstyles by the persons performing the contract or subcontract. These policies should not supersede health and safety standards that are required for operational purposes.

For the purposes of this Order, the term “State Agency” has the same meaning prescribed in A.R.S. § 41-741(15). This Order does not apply to, (i) state governmental entities that are not included in A.R.S. § 41-741(15) and (ii) one or more offices headed by one or more statewide elected officials. Although these organizations are not included they are encouraged, along with all private employers operating in Arizona, to adopt similar employment opportunity protections.

This Order does not confer any legal rights or remedies upon any persons and shall not be used as a basis for legal challenges to a State Agency’s refusal to consider an applicant for employment, the removal of an applicant from consideration for employment, the denial of an employment application, or any inaction of a State Agency.

No honest person believes racist Katie Hobbs, who campaigned from the basement, refused to debate Kari Lake, was down by double digits in the polls, and threatened elections officials who questioned her “victory” with felony charges, legitimately won the election.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the Arizona Supreme Court issued a ruling on Wednesday, sending Kari Lake’s lawsuit challenging the fraudulent gubernatorial election back to the trial court for further review. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson, who erroneously dismissed the lawsuit, issued a new order yesterday, setting the schedule for review of Maricopa County’s failure to verify mail-in ballot signatures in the 2022 election.

Kari Lake tweeted, “Hari discrimination? That’s what she thinks Arizonans are worried about? Our state will be in a much better place when it gets @KatieHobbs out of its hair.”

Hair discrimination? That’s what she thinks Arizonans are worried about?

Our state will be in a much better place when it gets @katiehobbs
out of its hair.

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 20, 2023

Kari Lake War Room called Hobbs a joke as black, white, and brown Arizona families struggle to fuel their cars and afford basic necessities.

Arizona is experiencing RECORD inflation and @katiehobbs is virtue signaling about hair.

This headline isn’t a joke, but the illegitimate Governor certainly is.

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) March 20, 2023

As of 3/24/23, Arizona’s average gas price is 75 cents higher per gallon than the national average at $4.194, and Maricopa County averages $4.526 per gallon. The price has consistently risen since last month. According to Forbes and Wallethub, Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale is tied at #2 for cities with the highest inflation as of March 14, 2023.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Illegal immigration, and therefore drug trafficking, in Arizona is already increasing under Katie Hobbs as she leaves the border wide open and welcomes the deadly invasion. Arizona CBP officials reportedly saw an almost 10% increase in apprehensions and roughly 30% more gotaways in February 2023 compared to January 2023.

According to a new report from the Arizona District Attorney’s office, Mexican resident Juan Alfonso Torres-Rodriguez was charged on March 8 with possessing more than one million pills (approximately 108 kilograms of pills) suspected of containing fentanyl with intent to distribute across the state. And last weekend, roughly 2.5 million fentanyl pills, likely enough to kill over one million people, were also seized by Arizona Border Patrol agents at the Nogales Port of Entry alone.

Katie Hobbs has made it clear that her priorities are not Arizona first.


The post Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Poses With Fake Black Activist Rachel Dolezal as She Signs EO Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination While Gas Nears $5/Gallon and Border Remains WIDE OPEN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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