Are you plagued by hidden mental health issue? 6 ways to spot it and combat it

WE all feel lonely sometimes, even if we’re at home surrounded by family or in a crowded room with friends.

But according to our Sun Health reader survey, loneliness peaks in 45-54-year-olds and sadly, of all respondents, 6 per cent consider themselves extremely lonely.

GettyIf you’re feeling lonely, know that you’re not alone and there is help available[/caption]

Robin Hewings, Director of the Campaign to End Loneliness (, said: “Feeling lonely sometimes is a normal part of life – the loneliness we are trying to end is when it becomes chronic.”

Not very different in adults and children except adults might be more practised at covering them up

Robin explains what’s really difficult is there aren’t very clear signs and symptoms for loneliness.

Signs do include: people feeling tired all the time, withdrawn or finding social situations difficult in a way they might not have done before.

Robin says: “If you know someone well you can pick it up from how they might be talking about their interactions.

“When you’re lonely, the world feels like a much scarier place and it can be more difficult for people to have social interactions, they might be cancelling things.

“When you’re feeling lonely, social situations can feel quite overwhelming and you want to withdraw from them.”

Robin explains what you need to know about loneliness – and how to combat it, in yourself and others…


It can creep up on you, loneliness.

Ask yourself if you’re missing people or situations, if interactions make you feel nervous or threatened, reflect whether you feel isolated or left out – if the answer is yes, you may be lonely.

Other signs include: being tired, withdrawn, the world feeling like a scary place.

2. CATCH 22

Chronic loneliness really wears you down and can be hard to get out of it. 

There’s a downward spiral: you feel lonely, that causes you to withdraw – physically and emotionally – then the world feels more threatening and it makes it harder to form social connections to get yourself out of it. 


Loneliness is comparable to major risk factors like obesity when it comes to health.

And if you put feeling lonely together with living alone and being socially isolated, it’s close to the risk of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.


Being stressed makes you more likely to be lonely, and being lonely makes you more likely to be stressed.

With clinical depression, they can cause each other.

Similarly, if you can find connection in life, that can make you feel less lonely, less burnt out and less depressed.


Recognise how you feel. 

Think of social activities you’ve enjoyed to build your confidence.

Focus on doing something you enjoy but have drifted out of, or join a group or volunteer. 

It’s not easy to get out of loneliness, so don’t blame yourself.


If you’re worried about someone being lonely, it’s easier for you to reach out to them, than the other way around.

Ask if they feel lonely. 

You don’t have to solve someone’s problems, even just light social interactions can make a difference. 

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