After the damp (but transformative) worm moon of March, we’re more than ready for April’s full moon, which is known as the pink moon – a cheery sign of spring. (And if you were wondering: yes, every full moon has a special name and spiritual meaning, often stemming from Native American knowledge).
Like the many other astrological events that signal a time for change and growth – looking at you, Saturn retrograde – April’s pink moon is the perfect opportunity to get rid of any cosmic junk you’ve been carrying around. The pink moon is all about newness, freshness, and letting go of the things that aren’t serving you. It makes sense, doesn’t it? We’re spring-cleaning our homes and our psyches.
POPSUGAR spoke with Jane Allison, an astrologer and tarot-card reader, to get all the details on the spiritual meaning of April’s pink moon and how it affects the zodiac signs, so you can feel prepared for everything 2023 has in store.
Why Is It Called the Pink Moon?
Imagine a carpet of vibrant pink spring flowers, blooming and fragrant. The pink moon is named after exactly that: a pink wildflower, known as creeping phlox or moss phlox, which blooms early in the spring, per The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Like the season itself, this rosy lunar event is all about rebirth and renewal.
When Is the Full Pink Moon in 2023?
The pink moon will take place the evening of Wednesday, April 5, 2023. Its peak is technically at 12:37 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 6 (so earlier in the night in Western time zones).
What Sign Is the Pink Moon in April?
April’s full pink moon will be in Libra, a sign associated with balance.
What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Pink Moon?
“For people within the Northern Hemisphere, we remember that spring is upon us and therefore provides a significant opportunity to plant new seeds,” Allison told POPSUGAR. “Spring is the best time of year to set New Year’s resolutions for ourselves, as it synchronizes with the new life that is beginning to bloom. [The pink moon] is a great time to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our ‘new life’ that is starting to unfold.”
The pink moon is especially meaningful because it’s in Libra. “This moon offers us the ability to make proper adjustments where adjustments are needed. We come together to find balance – which makes sense, as Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice themselves! – and reach some sort of equilibrium in situations which have gotten a little off track lately,” Allison explained. “It’s a beautiful time to forgive and ask for forgiveness and be honest about what needs you have that are not being met. Sometimes, when the scales of justice are in the process of finding their way back to the midpoint, there can be a little disruption in your life. However, that disruption itself is an indication that what’s meant to happen is, in fact, happening.”
What Does the Pink Moon Mean For Zodiac Signs?
Aries (March 20-April 19)
It’s all about balance in relationships here, whether you’re investing too little or too much time in work, romantic, or platonic relationships. “Aries need to establish some balance, and sometimes that means letting go of something that doesn’t serve the higher good for both parties,” Allison said.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This is the time to be honest with yourself. “This full moon focuses on the daily regimens and physical health. With this moon, you have the opportunity to get rid of bad habits and have the wherewithal to make a lasting change for the betterment of your life,” Allison said.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Allison suggests that Geminis go all in on creative projects, “whether it be something artistic or aligned with your passion or pleasure.”
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The pink moon is a great time for spring cleaning, and that’s where Cancers should focus their efforts. “Whether it is buying something new for the home, hanging a new piece of art you’ve created, rearranging some furniture, or cleaning out a closet, don’t be afraid to be a little bold if it’s something that brings good energy into your spaces,” Allison explained.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
For Leos, the pink moon is a prime opportunity to have open and honest conversations with friends, but also to have fun. “Take time to connect with your closest friends and arrange a social event, like a cocktail night or a spa day,” Allison said. “It will be fun to catch up on what all your closest BFFs are up to.”
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Practicality is the name of the game this month. “Focusing on financial matters is extremely beneficial. Balancing the books, settling any open-ended bills or debts, and selling off profitable assets (or buying in!) are all excellent activities, but don’t forget a little self-love,” Allison said.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
“Honesty in regards to what you need emotionally, as well as physically, can be difficult, but now is the time to do it! Ask yourself if you are putting yourself in situations and relationships that nurture the best in you,” Allison said. It’s time to consider whether you’re surrounding yourself with the right people.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Scorpios are associated with rebirth, and this is the time to reevaluate some aspects of your life. “Surrender or sacrifice things in your life that simply are not working, either by working against you or simply costing you more than you’re getting out of [them]. Sometimes sacrificing something great makes way for something greater,” Allison explained.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Friendships are important this month. “Sometimes a night out with our soul tribe has a way of recharging our batteries and motivating us to be the best that we can be,” Allison said. “Celebrate these platonic relationships! If you are having issues with a friend, now is also a good time to hash it out and decide whether to continue the friendship or not.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
“Likely, you’re on the exact right track in order for you to achieve your goals. You might not be quite where you want to be, but take a moment to breathe in all the progress you’ve made,” Allison said. “If you need to reevaluate some strategies, then now is the time to do it.” Otherwise, allow yourself to relax!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
If you’re an Aquarius, Allison recommends letting go of preconceived notions and focusing on growing your knowledge. “Make strides in learning something entirely new or allowing your consciousness to be expanded in some way,” Allison said.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
For the fish of the zodiac, “feelings might be strong during this moon cycle, but it is highly beneficial for you to allow yourself to feel all the feels,” Allison explained. “It might not make a lot of logical sense, but likely you need to purge something you’ve been hanging on to for far too long.”
When Is the Next Full Moon?
The full moon following the 2023 pink moon will be May’s flower moon on May 5, 2023. The next pink moon is April 23, 2024.