“Appalled” FBI Gets Obliterated After Issuing Statement Regarding the Proud Boys Confronting and Unmasking “White Nationalists”

TGP’s Brian Lupo reported that during a “flag-wave” at an Oregon City protest on Saturday, a white nationalist group known as the Rose City Nationalists attempted to mix ranks with the Portland Chapter of the Proud Boys.

After pushing and shouting and a brief confrontation, several of the white nationalist group members had their masks ripped off as they fled while attempting to cover their faces.


Understand that groups like Patriot Front are Feds, and groups like Rose City Nationalists, are Not Good Guys. In this case the Proud Boys are NOT letting the “Bad Guys”, Rose City Nationalists, stand with them. Another words the Proud Boys Group here will not let the real Hate… https://t.co/8IaYAcdXSp

— Reverend Crystal Cox (@ReverendCox) June 25, 2023

The Rose City Nationals is a self-proclaimed “pro-white” group in the Pacific Northwest that attempted to join ranks with the Proud Boys in protesting the grooming of children.

Many on social media alleged afterwards that the white nationalists were actually FBI agents in disguise who wanted to provoke the Proud Boys. The Biden regime has falsely blamed the Proud Boys for J6 and has been tossing their members in prison.

Don’t be fooled. The group called Patriot Front is the corrupt FBI… It’s why they hide their faces.

— Gunther Eagleman (@GuntherEagleman) June 25, 2023

Even the dumbest guy at CNN knows that “Patriot Front” are indeed an FBI psy-op pretending to be MAGA. https://t.co/h6LWs9Tsg2

— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) June 26, 2023

Now that the FBI’s Patriot Front has been totally exposed.
What name will the Feds come up with for their next false flag MAGA group?

— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) June 25, 2023

Disgraced former RINO Congressman Adam Kinzinger added more fuel to the theory with this response to people alleging this was all a false flag. Did he know something or was he just spouting off?

These people (all blue checks) are celebrating a seemingly MAGA assault on federal officers. Now i don’t know what this really is, but take a gander at the comments of the “patriots” who “love” America https://t.co/vVqHpdo2WW

— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) June 25, 2023

One prominent political commentator certainly thought Kinzinger let the cat out of the bag.

Even the dumbest guy at CNN knows that “Patriot Front” are indeed an FBI psy-op pretending to be MAGA. https://t.co/h6LWs9Tsg2

— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) June 26, 2023

The FBI issued a statement declaring themselves “appalled” that anyone would dare suggest they were involved in the brawl. We all know they would “never” adopt such methods.

In an ironic twist, their response left Kinzinger, one of their biggest fans, with egg on his face.

A statement from Special Agent in Charge Kieran L. Ramsey regarding this weekend’s events in Oregon City: pic.twitter.com/RbuQtzqs4N

— FBI Portland (@FBIPortland) June 26, 2023

Unsurprisingly, nobody believed the FBI.


— Kerry (@K1erry) June 27, 2023

So Kinzinger was dabbling in misformation again?

— Anna Tema (@Anatema0) June 27, 2023


— Mike Kanin (@KaninMike) June 27, 2023

I trust 3 day old gas station sushi more than the FBI. Sorry, don’t believe you.

— Smitty (@Smitty24030528) June 27, 2023

Sorry, the FBI does not get the benefit of the doubt anymore.

The recent evidence has shown:
1. They spied on Americans
2.They coerced Social Media platforms to ban and demonetize accounts over false claims of Russia Collusion
3. They interfered in a Presidential election.
4.… https://t.co/AxCZnHY1Tv

— HalosRamsFan (@HalosRamsFan) June 27, 2023

Why am I getting Casablanca vibes from this statement? pic.twitter.com/Kmoh5kTaqy

— Shay Cormac (@SPCORMAC_1) June 27, 2023

The post “Appalled” FBI Gets Obliterated After Issuing Statement Regarding the Proud Boys Confronting and Unmasking “White Nationalists” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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