“AOC, You Sound Ridiculous, You Scrub…All You Care About is Illegal Aliens!” — Protestors GO OFF on AOC Over Her Coddling of Illegals During “Green New Deal” Townhall (VIDEO)

Credit: Fox News Screenshot

AOC’s town hall event in Queens Thursday night was derailed by protestors furious over her coddling of illegal aliens in America.

As The Post Millennial reported, AOC was giving a speech to a group of primarily adoring constituents regarding her support for the socialist Green New Deal instead of focusing on actual urgent issues like illegal immigration. As Gateway Pundit readers know, the state of New York has been flooded with hordes of invaders thanks to Joe Biden’s open border policies.

Lawmakers such as New York City Mayor Eric Adams have only made things worse by promoting policies such as giving $10,000 debit cards to illegals.

In the middle of her speech, a man named Jonathan David Rinaldi suddenly rose and introduced himself to the audience as AOC’s Republican challenger. But just as he started ripping into her, he was shouted down by the brainwashed liberal audience.

Fortunately, Rinaldi had a bit of backup from one brave soul in the crowd. An older gentleman managed to break through the noise and read AOC the riot act over her illegal immigration stance uninterrupted.

AOC, you sound ridiculous, you scrub! Secure the border! Secure the border now!

All you care about is illegal aliens and their votes! You don’t care about your constituents!

You don’t care!


Protestors interrupt AOC during a town hall in Astoria, Queens on “environmental justice” developments.

One man shouts “All you care about is illegal aliens and their votes! You don’t care about your constituents!”

Footage by @NJEGmedia pic.twitter.com/4so6D3PJJB

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 23, 2024

As he was being escorted out by security, Rinaldi finally managed to blast AOC uninterrupted on the issue of illegal immigration. She responded by uttering a silly lie.

Rinaldi: You only represent illegal aliens!

AOC: Clearly, I don’t because I’m an elected member of Congress. So keep pushing, bro.

Hecklers interrupt AOC during NY Town Hall saying:

“You only represent illegal aliens!!” pic.twitter.com/8JsUkI8KxU

— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) February 23, 2024

While AOC is unfortunately safely ensconced in her congressional seat as long as she wants, the anger over illegal immigration has the potential to doom multiple Democrats come November, including Biden.

The post “AOC, You Sound Ridiculous, You Scrub…All You Care About is Illegal Aliens!” — Protestors GO OFF on AOC Over Her Coddling of Illegals During “Green New Deal” Townhall (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

