Another Bus of Illegals From Texas Arrives in Sanctuary City of L.A.

A second bus of illegals arrives in Sanctuary City of L.A. from Texas.

On Saturday morning, another bus carrying dozens of illegals arrived in the Sanctuary City of Los Angeles from Texas.

The bus carried 41 illegals, including 11 children, from eight different countries, including Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

ABC7 reports:

“Though we were not formally notified, the Mayor’s Office became aware of the bus [Friday] and mobilized — working with City Departments, the County, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year,” read a statement issued by a spokesperson for Mayor Karen Bass. “The City of Los Angeles believes in treating everyone with respect and dignity and will do so.”

Members of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) were at hand Saturday at St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church on Grand Avenue to offer assistance. With their help, members received water, food, clothing and medical check-ups. They also got access to legal immigration assistance.

The Gateway Pundit reported Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced in June that the first group of illegal immigrants had been transported to L.A. This action is part of his comprehensive plan to alleviate the immigration burden that small border towns in Texas are facing.

The Governor highlighted that these towns are bearing the brunt of the migrant influx due to Biden’s reluctance to secure the border.

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border.”

“As a sanctuary city, Los Angeles is a popular destination for migrants, especially now that city leaders have confirmed its sanctuary status,” Governor Abbott said.

He continued that, until Biden takes steps to secure the border, Texas will continue to provide relief to its border communities by transporting migrants to cities that have openly declared their sanctuary status.

Texas just dropped off the 1st bus of migrants in Los Angeles.

Small Texas border towns remain overrun & overwhelmed because Biden refuses to secure the border.

LA is a city migrants seek to go to, particularly now its leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary status.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 14, 2023

While Joe Biden ignores the border crisis, Gov. Abbott shared what Texas is doing to address the issue.

Texas National Guard soldiers and DPS troopers have apprehended more than 386,000 illegal immigrants.

They patrol the border around-the-clock to detect and stop more illegal crossings.

While Biden ignores the border crisis, Texas is stepping up to fill the gaps he created.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) July 1, 2023

L.A. Councilman Kevin de León told Eyewitness News he is asking for intervention from federal and state leaders to stop border states from moving illegals around the country.  While they love to publicly posture, they don’t actually want to deal with the ramifications.

“To me, this is human trafficking,” he said. “This is trafficking individuals against their will from one state to another state. This is kidnapping as far as I’m concerned.”

Last month, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously passed a motion directing the city to draft a “Sanctuary City” ordinance that when passed would prohibit any city resources, property or personnel from being utilized for any federal immigration enforcement.

The post Another Bus of Illegals From Texas Arrives in Sanctuary City of L.A. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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